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Diet during cancer – Bio Eco Actual

At least one in three cancers is caused by lifestyle (smoking, overweight, alcohol, poor diet and lack of exercise). Good nutrition could prevent between 30 and 50% of the most frequent cancers in our society, according to the WHO. Unfortunately, the general population is unaware of it. Or they hear it from time to time, but don’t think it affects them. Or worse, as a recent study has shown, they believe that they are eating well, that living in Spain they “automatically follow a Mediterranean diet”.


I have cancer

The diagnosis of cancer is often devastating. In addition to the psychological impact and the fear of losing one’s life, the discomfort from the treatment begins. Oncological treatments (chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery and other therapies) have allowed many people to survive for many years and a good percentage to recover. But they are still very strong treatments which, together with cancer itself, weaken our body and produce many negative effects.

Diet can greatly help you tolerate the effects of treatment, recover sooner, and even prevent the cancer from returning. All of this is proven in numerous scientific studies, so it’s a pity that most cancer specialists are not interested in nutrition; and that his response when a patient asks is, “Eat whatever you want.”

after the diagnosis

If you haven’t prioritized your diet until now, being diagnosed with cancer is a unique opportunity to start doing so. It’s not about feeling guilty, on the contrary, it’s about taking responsibility for your health and your life. It is your right and also an obligation towards the people who love you.

The diet can greatly help to tolerate the effects of treatment, recover sooner and even prevent the cancer from returning

Meat, especially red and processed meat, is strongly associated with colon, breast, endometrial, lung and pancreatic cancers. Dairy products increase the risk of breast, endometrial and ovarian cancer in women and prostate cancer in men. Therefore, these two food groups have no place in the diet of a person with cancer, and you will gain a lot if you exclude them from your diet forever.

Instead, other foods have shown a role protector against cancer and these are the ones that should take up almost all of your plate every day: vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains, nuts. Within legumes, soy is a very interesting food that can reduce the risk of breast cancer and prevent recurrence if one has already had it. You might also do something similar with prostate cancer.

cancer diet

Other plant foods with a special cancer-protective ability are:

  1. S red, orange and dark green vegetablesrich in carotenes (sweet potatoes, carrots, peppers, squash, spinach).
  2. Los citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, grapefruit, limes, tangerines) rich in vitamin C and bioflavonoids. Other fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C such as kiwis, strawberries, pineapples, peppers…
  3. S cruciferous vegetables: Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi, cabbage and mustard greens contain anticancer substances such as isothiocyanates and indoles.
  4. Los berries such as blueberries, raspberries, blackberries and strawberries. Also red or black grapes.
  5. The green tea and the white tea they are rich in antioxidant substances and it is very positive to drink 3-5 cups a day, better if separated from meals.
  6. flax seed: In addition to fiber, they provide lignans, which are particularly protective against breast and prostate cancer. You only need to take a small amount several times a week.
  7. Garlic and onion: contain flavonols and organosulfur compounds that protect against many types of cancer.

More than a specific food, it is the overall diet that can make the difference. The more plant foods it contains and the fewer animal foods it contains, the more protective it will be against future cancer or recurrence than what we already have. Whenever you can, choose organically produced foods to reduce your exposure to pesticides.

It’s about taking responsibility for your health and your life.

during the treatment

In general, cancer treatments and the tumor itself greatly increase energy and protein needs. This forces you to eat more, and more importantly, you have to eat highly nutritious foods, not just anything. It has always been recommended to increase the consumption of meat, cheese, cream, butter, eggs, sauces, jams… during chemotherapy, but It is absurd and dangerous to advise eating the foods that have contributed to making us ill..

Plant proteins are just as good as animal proteins for rebuilding muscle mass and preventing malnutrition, with the added benefit of protecting the kidney, while the waste products of animal proteins overload a kidney that is already working overtime by eliminating the waste products of chemotherapy. Tofu, tempeh, textured soybeans, hummus, tree nuts, peanuts… provide calories and protein as well as vitamins, minerals, fiber and phytochemicals.

Some cancer treatments produce side effects that can affect diet: lack of appetite, loss of smell and taste, mouth and throat sores, nausea, constipation, diarrhoea… In these cases, the diet must be adapted, for example , by preparing more creams, soups and smoothies. They can also help supplements protein or calories and protein. There are 100% vegetable protein mixes (peas, rice, hemp…) in powder form that can be added to smoothies and other foods. If you find yourself in this situation, it is preferable to seek advice from a nutritionist.

Author: Miriam Martinez BiargePediatrician

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