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DIET | Bon Profit, the best organic meat from Valncia

Offer products so important for food like meat It is not just a profession, but a responsibility. So in the butcher shop Bon Profit They work day by day with a maxim: provide the best certified organic meat product accompanied by the most professional treatment, as well as the most high levels of quality at every stage of the production process, from the farms to the tables of their clients.

So in Bon Profit they select the best organic meats to prepare them with the utmost care and care, complying with their characteristic principles, such as healthy nutrition, the sustainable livestock and the fair Trade. In this way, its wide catalog of products also includes assortments special organic varieties selected for the most demanding palates with the same guarantees of organic livestock. But what advantages does this type of meat offer?

Benefits of organic meat

Organic meat brings numerous benefits to the environment.

From the organoleptic point of view -that is, from sensory perception-, ecological meat products have a meat more curd from which less water is released, a more intense color due to the type of feeding of the animal and they are much tastier.

Serving Social reasons, this type of feeding supposes a great support for local farms and, within these, those that are ecological. These spaces are profitable when it comes to small farms, usually managed by family businesses. And it is that this type of rural industry helps the revitalization of the towns and interior regions, promoting an economic network far from the big cities. Thus, buying organic meat also contributes to the strengthening of this network that promotes rural towns and makes life in the country a more sustainable medium.

It is precisely from the sphere of sustainability where this type of product plays a more determining role. Organic meat production involves the adoption of sustainable practices. In the case of organic farms, the matter cycle. That is, the animals eat grass or cereals obtained from a organic farming system, which are fertilized and grown with the same manure produced by the cattle and which, in turn, regenerates the soil naturally. On the contrary, industrial farms feed their animals with products obtained from extensive grain fields, accumulating a surplus of polluting manure not only for the soil, but also for air or aquifers.

The animals they are ultimately the great asset of this more environmentally friendly production and with their quality of life. And it is that, in Bon Profit it works following a key premise: raise happy and healthy animals. In this type of industry animals have large spaces to graze outdoors, feeding naturally. They live there as long as possible and minimizes your stress, so, among other aspects, their defenses are prevented from diminishing. This would not be possible if the demands for quality of life, transport and slaughter of animals. This does not only respond to a improvement of meat qualitybut also to a animal ethics reason.

How does Bon Profit guarantee sustainable production?

From the organic butcher shop Bon Profit promote a healthy and balanced diet. For this, their organic meats have multiple properties: they are free of antibiotics, growth hormones and artificial manipulation and their animals are raised naturally, without being subjected to artificial inseminations, according to the regulations of different organic farming regulatory councils.

In addition, its products have the ecological certificate corresponding that guarantees compliance with the highest quality criteria.

Valencian pioneers in organic meat

Butchery Bon Profit stands out, in addition to the quality of its product, for the unbeatable deal that it offers its clients. Seated in the stall 83 and 84 of the Ruzafa Market, are an example of local commerce. Advise on types of cut or kitchen dishes and they have specialties for all ages. From the smallest, for those who recommend tricks to make porridge with turkey or chicken without skin, for example, to the oldest, to those who offer tender and healthy meats.

In the case of adults or athletes, Bon Profit offers low-fat meats, as well as steaks or entrecote or, on the other hand, hamburgers, sausages or fajitas for teenagers.

Thus, for five years, when they opened their store in the central market, they consolidated as pioneers in Valencia regarding the production and sale of organic meat. In addition, they have a home delivery service for residents of Valencia and nearby municipalities with a free delivery on purchases over 80 euros.

Processing orders is very simple, as it is enough to select the products through your Web page, by phone at the number 622 937 212 or, finally, through the email address [email protected].

organic meat bonprofit valencia healthy eating dietBon Profit organic butcher shop.
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