Home » today » Health » Diet and mood swings, alarm at the table: these foods make your mood worse

Diet and mood swings, alarm at the table: these foods make your mood worse

Unregulated diet Youtubee

With the current crisis, it’s difficult to have a good mood. And if there are foods that make it worse, help! Which ones are they?

It is said that Health it comes with eating. And this is not only connected to that of physical gender but also psychological. In fact, very recent studies have attested that there are some foods that could in some way provide incentives the bad mood. There is also talk of changes that are all too sudden and harmful.

By the way at a time of crisis that our country is experiencing from an economic point of view, this situation is even more serious. It must also be said that many people, overcome by depression or simply dejected, seek a form of consolation in the food. Not only by eating more but also badly.

Beyond the fact of not following a healthy and varied diet, as well as adequate for one’s lifestyle, one tends to eat only what one likes and not what is good for one. And it therefore happens to us for a fact of satisfaction in terms of taste and not of well-being. And so when we usually feel down, we focus on tasting particularly refined and fat-rich foods, as well as fried foods.

Foods to avoid

The sweets then they are seen as the number 1 tool to defeat evil. In any case, a piece of dark chocolate doesn’t hurt anyone, except in special cases. However overdo it, as with other rich substances refined sugarcould have the opposite effect on us. In short, as you soul say too much sucks no exceptions for anyone!

In short words changes in glucose level in the blood they would favor a bad mood and even depression. The same goes for an excessive consumption of sausages and red meats. And this happens because in this way the activation of the immune system is started, which is one of the basic biological elements of the already mentioned depression.

Improper diet causes moodiness
Foods to avoid Youtubee

The top diet

Therefore it would be better to focus on Mediterranean diet, which is a great friend of good mood. It is excellent to include vegetables, dried fruit, extra virgin olive oil in one’s diet, as well as foods rich in antioxidants. And here our skin will thank us too!

Also perfect are those foods that contain high quantities of omega 3. In truth, sweets are not completely banned, it is enough just to limit their consumption, as well as that of packaged snacks and soft drinks. The top also for a snack a fresh fruit or a yogurt. This by the way is fantastic for properly preserving the balance of the gut microbiome.

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