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Diet and Exercise Options to Prevent Sexual Problems, Including Erectile Dysfunction

A healthy diet and exercise can prevent sexual problems, such as erectile dysfunction.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Urology specialist-urology consultant andrologist, Widi Atmoko, explained that the application of a healthy diet can prevent sexual problems such as erectile dysfunction or dysfunction. Erectile disorders are characterized by the inability of a man to have an erection for three months continuously with various causes, ranging from diabetes to an unhealthy lifestyle.

“Not only sexual problems such as erections, but other problems such as the heart must also have a healthy diet. In relation to erections, we must reduce fast food or fast foodthen increase the intake of fruits and vegetables,” said Widi in a health webinar, Thursday (28/4/2022).

Widi, who also practices at Ciptomangunkusumo General Hospital, advised men to limit their intake of soybeans. This is because excessive intake can reduce androgen or testosterone levels, thereby reducing libido.

Regular coffee consumption is said to have a good impact on sexual health. Because, coffee can increase testosterone levels as well as help overcome the problem of premature or premature ejaculation.

Next, try to detox the body, namely by staying away from alcoholic beverages because alcohol can interfere with signaling in hormones and nerves in the glans penis. Especially for men who like to build muscle, you should be wary of excessive steroids.

Excessive steroid intake can indeed increase muscle mass, but at the same time reduce the effects of libido hormones. Next, you should stop smoking.

Smoking habits raise the risk of impotence by 1.8-3 times. Widi said that men should also maintain a normal weight. Excess fat that is commonly found in obesity conditions will change the libido hormone or testosterone into estrogen.

“When this happens, it will cause dysregulation or hormonal imbalance, resulting in impotence, ejaculation disorders and hypogonadism or testosterone deficiency problems,” said the doctor from the Indonesian Urology Experts Association (IAUI).

Another thing that also needs to be done is to regularly exercise and avoid a sedentary life. A sedentary or sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of sexual dysfunction by 31 percent.

source: Between

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