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Diego Molano added important support from a former military officer and opponent of Petro to his campaign

The campaign for Mayor of Bogotá is getting closer to reaching day zero. While some rise in the polls, others stay the same and many others barely appear on the scorecard. The candidates are looking for strategies to be able to go to the second round and keep the keys to the Liévano Palace for the period 2024-2027.

That is why the former Minister of Defense and former councilor of Bogotá Diego Molano confirmed that his campaign team is joined by an important piece of the national political scene.

This is General (r) Eduardo Zapateiro, who after having established himself as one of the great opposition leaders to the current Government of President Gustavo Petro, showed his cards and showed his support for Molano.

This was announced by the newspaper El Tiempo.

“General Zapateiro adheres to this campaign to strengthen the security of Bogotá with knowledge and a firm hand,” said the national newspaper.

Likewise, he recalled that “Apart from General Zapateiro, General Ruiz and Eliécer Camacho, experts in the fight against theft, homicide and drug trafficking, are already part of this group.”
Diego Molano asked for guarantees

On September 20, Diego Molano, through his towns of Bogotá to socialize, 30 days before elections, the National Development Plan, which was approved in May.

“I make three calls: 1. I sent a letter to Gustavo Petro to allow me to participate in these spaces and present the needs of more than 117,000 people who signed for us to Rebuild Bogotá. 2. I have asked the Attorney General’s Office to carry out special surveillance of these spaces so that the provisions of the Guarantees Law are respected and that they are not used as a space for proselytizing, in favor of the president’s candidate. 3. I invite the MOE Colombia and other national and international electoral observers to be attentive to ensuring that all the rules are met to respect our Constitution, the Law, so that there are free and fair elections in the country,” he said.

In the same sense, he assured that he does not want to think that “the dramatic drop in polls of one of Petro’s candidates is what is driving these curious ‘meetings’ months after the National Development Plan was approved and weeks before the elections. ”.

Molano challenged Bolívar

The former Minister of Defense, taking advantage of the absence of his opponent Gustavo Bolívar to debates, since the librettist assured that he would not attend any more meetings of this type where he was, because it stigmatized the young people of the First Line, invited him to a debate in a university “to talk about knowledge of Bogotá and proposals.”

“I invite him (Gustavo Bolívar) to a public debate, he and I, so that we can talk about Bogotá, Bogotá’s proposals, and especially those regarding security. Let it be public, with two moderators, because one cannot avoid the debate in Bogotá,” he indicated.

At the same time, he assured that both must guarantee that citizens know the values, the principles, the city model they have and how they are going to combat insecurity.

“One cannot be afraid of criminals, much less of debates,” he concluded.

Molano also questioned President Petro’s Total Peace, rejecting the terrorist acts of recent days in the department of Cauca.

“Death, death is the only thing left by the Total Peace of this President Petro. The inhabitants of Timba, in Cauca, suffer the terror of attacks like that of the terrorist, alias Iván Mordisco (they still find it a joke that he is still alive). Police attacked, civilians harmed, health centers destroyed. What else do you have to wait to wake up? “Colombia must change its course, it is in our hands,” he questioned. With Infobae

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