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Died on Earth vs Outer Space, which would you choose?

Jakarta – What happens if a human dies in outer space? On earth, the body will undergo natural decay with soil and other elements. Meanwhile, a lecturer in Applied Biological Anthropology at Teesside University, England, Tim Thompson said. body decay in space is different.

The difference in the decomposition process is influenced by various factors. Moreover, other planets also have conditions that are contrary to Earth, for example very dry.

The Process of Decomposition of the Body on Earth

  • The body will experience livor mortis. This means that blood flow stops and pools due to gravity.
  • The body cools and enters the algor mortis stage.
  • The muscles of the body become stiff due to the uncontrollable buildup of calcium in the muscle fibers. This is called rogor mortis.
  • Enzymes and proteins speed up chemical reactions and break down cell walls.
  • When point 4 occurs, the bacteria in the intestines will come out and spread throughout the body. These bacteria will devour soft tissue. The gas they emit will also make the body swell.
  • Once all the muscle is gone, the rigor mortis will stop.
  • The body begins to emit an unpleasant odor and the soft tissues begin to break down.

The Process of Decomposition of the Body in Space

Tim Thompson said, the bodies that died in outer space undergo different stages of decay due to the influence of gravity. Like this step:

  • During the livor mortis stage, blood cannot remember because of the absence of gravity.
  • If the time of death is in outerwear, the rigor mortis phase will still occur. Because, this is a result of the cessation of bodily functions.
  • Bacteria in the intestines can still devour soft tissue and still need oxygen. However, this stage can be slow if the oxygen supply is limited.
  • When a body is buried in space, microbes will also help the decomposition process. However, if a planet appears to be very dry, the work of microbes will be hampered and the soft tissues will be preserved.

Elements Affecting Body Decay

The acidic conditions of the soil, the environment, and the temperature of a planet also affect the decay. On a planet with highly acidic soil conditions, the body’s organic components such as blood vessels and collagen will survive. While the inorganic components will decompose.

Whereas on earth, only the organic parts of the bones will decompose. Thus, the fossils and bones that remain are the remains of inorganic materials. Another factor is the environmental conditions of a planet.

For example, on the very dry and desert-like planet Mars, there the soft tissue can dry out. On earth, wind-blown sediments can also erode or damage bone skeletons.

The last factor is the temperature or temperature in outer space. For example, on the Moon, which has a temperature of 120-170 degrees Celsius, decaying bodies can be damaged by heat or cold.

The process of decay after humans die on earth and in outer space has its advantages and disadvantages. Humans certainly cannot choose when and where to return to Allah SWT, so they can only try to be the best every time.

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