Lisa S. does not get a loan from the bank because of poor creditworthiness: “Should I accept the offer from a financial service provider?” The AK clarifies.
Myth or Truth? “Today”Reader Lisa S. asks: “I can’t get a loan from my bank anymore because of bad credit. Should I accept the offer of a financial reorganizer?”
“Maximum dubious financial plan”
“Be careful! So-called financial reorganizers give the impression that they are arranging a loan – although you would not get a loan from a bank due to poor creditworthiness. Talking to them is all about a desired loan. You pay in the hope of getting a loan several hundred euros or sometimes even more, but does not receive a loan, but at most a dubious financial plan. In Austria, however, debt settlements are carried out free of charge by state-approved debt counseling centers,” says the AK Lower Austria.
Hotline for questions
“If you have any questions or problems, our experts will give you competent advice,” says AK Lower Austria President and ÖGB Lower Austria Chairman Markus Wieser.
More information from the AK consumer advice service on telephone number: 057171-23000