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Didier Raoult gives his opinion on the dates of the deconfinement and the possibility of a second epidemic wave


Sputnik France





Professor Didier Raoult does not believe that deconfinement can lead to a rebound in the epidemic. According to him, the dates chosen by the government to get out of containment make sense.

Professor Didier Raoult returned to the deconfinement measures envisaged by the government and the possibilities of a rebound of the epidemic, in a video broadcast by the Institut hospitalo-universitaire (IHU) Mediterranean, where he officiates.

While some are worried about a possible second wave of the disease, in the event of mismanagement of the deconfinement, Professor Raoult takes issue with this question. According to him, the scientific data collected so far rather outline the scenario of a “bell curve”. A classic cycle of the epidemic, which rules out the prospect of a rebound.

“The rebound story is a fantasy that was invented from the Spanish flu, which started in the summer and has nothing to do with it. […] Epidemics start, accelerate, culminate, then diminish and disappear, “he explains in this filmed interview.

In accordance with the dates proposed by the government

Professor Raoult also gave his opinion on the government’s proposed deconfinement agenda. According to him, the date of May 11 announced by the head of state to initiate a way out of the crisis is justified.

“The dates that have been provided by the President are not extravagant. 97% of the cases will have occurred around May 7 and 99% around May 19. This is the time when we should be able to decontain and isolate positive people, knowing that by that time the transmissibility of the virus will have become much weaker, “he said.

In a previous video dated April 14, Professor Raoult had already said he believed in an imminent end to the epidemic. According to him, the infection was “disappearing”. Words that had caused the reaction of the regional health agency PACA, for whom this prognosis was “quite premature”.

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