People Power Party member bulletin board controversy: former Supreme Council member Jang Ye-chan and spokesperson Park Sang-soo [자료사진]
The so-called ‘Dangge Suspicion’, in which a large number of defamatory posts about President Yoon Seok-yeol and his wife were posted on the People Power Party member bulletin board under the name of Representative Han Dong-hoon‘s family. As the suspicions eventually broke out in a public meeting between the leadership, the two aides, President Yoon Seok-yeol’s ‘No. 1 aide’ and CEO Han Dong-hoon’s ‘No. 1 aide’, engaged in a fierce battle overnight over who was responsible for the incident.
President Yoon’s ‘number one adviser’ is former Supreme Council member Jang Ye-chan.
Former Supreme Council member Jang, who was first recruited by President Yoon when he entered politics, appeared on CBS Radio’s ‘Park Jae-hong’s Battle’ last night and sharply said, “Responsibility for creating this chaos lies entirely with CEO Han Dong-hoon.”
He pointed out, “The pro-Han Dong-Hoon group and Representative Han talk for a very long time,” and “Nevertheless, they cannot give this simple answer, ‘We are not family.’”
Former Supreme Council member Jang said, “A representative who has not been able to answer a very simple question for more than three weeks, ‘Did he write it or not, did his family write it or not?’ must take full responsibility for this chaos,” and added, “No matter how much the pro-Hangye government tries to block, this will not be possible.” He argued, “The problem is bound to be a label for one representative for the rest of his life.”
He then added sarcastically, saying, “If the People Power Party is searched and seized because of Representative Han Dong-hoon, and it is confirmed that the name of the family is correct, he will inevitably be remembered as the party leader who ruined the party with the most ridiculous and miserable charges.”
At the same time, he urged, “It is natural for Representative Han to ask his family and confirm before doing so.”
People Power Party member bulletin board controversy and CEO Han Dong-hoon [자료사진]
Then, Spokesperson Park Sang-soo, the ‘No. 1 staff member’ whom Representative Han first recruited when he entered politics, posted posts on Facebook one after another overnight, fiercely criticizing the offensive of the pro-Yun Seok faction, including former Supreme Council member Jang.
Spokesperson Park strongly objected, saying, “Did you have to mock (CEO Han Dong-hoon) like that by ‘talking about Facebook’ until the morning of Representative Lee Jae-myeong’s sentencing, a few hours before the sentencing?”
He criticized, “I want to ask what on earth you were thinking when you got into politics and are doing it again.”
He said, “While you were only concentrating on the party member bulletin board, Lee Jae-myung was found not guilty,” and “I looked around your Facebook page where you were posting related posts day after day, but I was surprised because I couldn’t find any mention of Lee Jae-myung’s ruling.” I left behind some serious words.
Spokesperson Park also shared a Sunday Seoul report that Yongsan and Chin Yoon-gye had launched an operation to kill Han Dong-hoon, the so-called ‘Kim Ok-gyun Project’.
“On the 4th, Mr. Kim, who is close to First Lady Kim Kun-hee, revealed to a reporter from ‘Sunday Seoul’ that he planned to oust Representative Han, and after that day, no more posts were written in the name of Han Dong-hoon’s family,” Jang Ye-chan said on Facebook.
At the same time, he made the ‘Kim Ok-gyun Project’ a fait accompli, saying, “It is clear that Lee Jae-myeong will be found guilty, so did you believe that if only Han Dong-hoon could be eliminated in the meantime, their world would come?”
He claimed, “I can’t help but laugh at the fact that Representative Han was conspiring like this while trying to somehow protect our government.”
**How does the controversy surrounding the People Power Party bulletin board reflect broader societal trends concerning online discourse, misinformation, and political polarization?**
## The People Power Party Bulletin Board Controversy: A Deeper Look
**Host:** Welcome to World Today News. We are delving into the ongoing controversy surrounding the People Power Party member bulletin board and the alleged defamatory posts. We are joined today by two individuals with unique perspectives on this issue: former Supreme Council member Jang Ye-chan, and Spokesperson Park Sang-soo. Gentlemen, thank you for joining us.
**Section 1: The Origin of the Controversy**
**Host:** Mr. Jang, you’ve publicly stated that CEO Han Dong-hoon bears full responsibility for the chaos surrounding the bulletin board posts. Could you elaborate on the reasons behind this assertion?
**Mr. Jang:** (Elaborate on his reasons, referencing his statement about CEO Han’s inability to confirm or deny the involvement of his family and his responsibility as a leader).
**Host:** Mr. Park, you’ve fiercely defended CEO Han against these accusations. What is your response to Mr. Jang’s claim of responsibility? Can you shed light on CEO Han’s position regarding these allegations and the family’s involvement?
**Mr. Park:** (Explain CEO Han’s stance, rebutting Mr. Jang’s claims and potentially offering alternative explanations).
**Host:** Both gentlemen, what do you see as the root cause of this controversy? Is this a simple case of misinformation, a deliberate attempt to smear reputations, or a symptom of deeper issues within the People Power Party?
**Section 2: The Impact on the Party**
**Host:** Mr. Jang, you’ve suggested that this controversy could have lasting consequences for CEO Han and the People Power Party. Could you elaborate on the potential impact on the party’s image and future?
**Mr. Jang:** (Discuss the potential long-term consequences for CEO Han and the party, emphasizing the damage to public trust and party unity).
**Host:** Mr. Park, how do you envision this situation impacting the party’s ability to move forward with its agenda? What steps should be taken to restore trust and cohesion within the party?
**Mr. Park:** (Offer a perspective on the potential impact on the party’s agenda and propose solutions for rebuilding trust within the party).
**Host: ** Do you both agree that this controversy has the potential to overshadow other important political issues?
**Section 3: Looking Ahead**
**Host: ** What actions, if any, should be taken to investigate the source of these posts and determine the individuals responsible?
**(Both guests provide their perspectives on the need for an investigation and potential avenues for pursuing it.)**
**Host:** Looking ahead, what are your hopes for the resolution of this controversy? What message do you want to convey to the party members and the public?
**(Both guests share their final thoughts and aspirations for the future of the party.)**
**Host:** Thank you, gentlemen, for offering your insights on this complex and evolving situation. This has been a truly enlightening discussion. I encourage our viewers to stay informed and engaged in the ongoing developments surrounding this issue.