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Did you know that working in the garden is good for your health?

Did you know that working in the garden is good for your health? That’s why you should spend at least half an hour a day gardening!

Working and eating produce from the home garden can go a long way in improving our overall health. Not only taking care of the garden allows you to do a lot of daily exercise necessary to stay in shape. But you can also create healthy meals thanks to daily work! If you are interested in improving your health, you should consider getting regular care in your garden. Learning how to grow plants and the physical activity necessary to grow them can add variety and quality to yours diet. As well as the physical routine.


Especially if you are already retired and have a lot of free time! If you didn’t know that working in the garden is good for your health, here are some tips!

Beware of tears!

As you would with other types of exercise, it is important to warm up your muscles before starting to work in the garden. Stretch your legs, arms and hands before starting so they are prepared for the work ahead.
To avoid tearing and pain, you should spend at least 5-10 minutes warming up before gardening.

Work consistently

To improve your health while working in the garden, you should make a commitment to do it regularly. Working in the garden for several hours a week, for example 30 minutes a day, can give you the right amount of exercise you need. Especially if you are retired, working in the garden will help keep your body and mind active!

Getting 30 minutes of moderate exercise every day can lower blood pressure and cholesterol, doctors say. It can also help prevent diabetes and heart disease, as well as slow the development of osteoporosis.

Remember to take breaks

As with other types of exercise, it’s a good idea to vary the types of movements you do while working in the garden. If you have different types of activities to do, try to set aside a specific amount of time for each of them. After that, don’t dwell too much on a single activity. Try to vary, even if you don’t complete a task in the allotted time frame.

This variation in activities can be especially useful if you are working in awkward positions or with heavy tools. For example, if you have to kneel on the flower beds, try not to be there more than 15-20 minutes in a row. Remember to take a break and then do another activity. It will help you avoid pain or overexertion.

Did you know that working in the garden is good for your health? But only if you don’t overdo it!

When working in the garden, special attention must be paid to how to lift and change position. For example, use proper lifting technique when moving heavy bags, such as soil or fertilizer. Do not lower yourself with your legs straight, but use their strength instead of relying on your back muscles.
Also, you should squat instead of kneeling whenever possible. Maintain the natural curve of the back and avoid twisting when lifting heavy loads.

In order for gardening to count as exercise, you need to raise your heart rate and put in some physical exertion while doing it. This means that simply standing while watering doesn’t count as exercise. Some garden exercises to increase heart rate include digging, raking leaves, weeding, and mowing.

If you want to increase the effort when mowing, try using a push lawn mower instead of a petrol one. The important thing is moderation!

Choose biodiversity

When planning your garden, try to choose a variety of edible plants that will improve your health and vary the diet of the whole family. Increase the biodiversity in the garden is also a good way to be sustainable and help the environment.

Some vegetables that are relatively easy to grow, depending on the climate you live in, include tomatoes, lettuce, peas, beans, squash, and cucumbers. Start with some of these if you are not an expert. You could still get advice from a nursery employee. Also ask for advice about the soil, the sun exposure of the garden and the climate. If your garden doesn’t get a lot of sunlight, you can still grow shade-loving plants like mushrooms or some herbs.

Among the latter, chives and thyme are very easy crops. But not only! These herbs can really enhance the flavor of dishes prepared in the kitchen, so make the most of them!

In addition, also pay attention to sowing. When semianre depends a lot on the climate in which you live and the season. Find out about your specific climate zone, what grows best there, and when certain plants should be placed in the soil.

Did you know that working in the garden is good for your health?

Once you have your fruit and vegetables available, it’s important to cook them right. Cooking your garden produce properly will keep the nutrients intact. It will also help you avoid adding unhealthy ingredients to your meal. In general, cook vegetables lightly and avoid adding too much fat. This way you will get the most out of your products!

Forget therefore the fried, which is tempting, but certainly not good. Try steaming instead to bring out the wonderful flavor of the vegetables without adding fat.
Some vegetables provide more nutrients when raw, while others provide more nutrients when cooked. For example, cooking asparagus releases slightly more nutrients into the body. Conversely, beets give more nutrition when served raw.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings in this regard, which can be consulted who”)

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