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Did you hear it? Breakdown at the Tagesschau causes ridicule on the net!

On Thursday, the test recording by presenter Linda Zervakis could be heard in the “Tagesschau in 100 seconds”. That caused a lot of ridicule on Twitter.

Hamburg – What was happening there? Anyone who heard the ARD podcast “Tagesschau in 100 seconds” on Spotify on Thursday morning must have been very surprised at what came out of the speakers!

On Thursday morning, the test recording by presenter Linda Zervakis (45) could be heard in the podcast “Tagesschau in 100 seconds”. (Archive photo) © Christian Charisius / dpa

Because the podcast did not begin with the words “Good morning ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the ‘Tagesschau in 100 seconds'”, as usual, but started directly with the first topic.

However, anyone who now believed that only the Tagesschau jingle and the greeting at the beginning would be missing was taught better shortly afterwards.

After spokeswoman Linda Zervakis (45) had reported on Italy’s new head of government Mario Draghi, riots in Spain were then discussed.

The 45-year-old got tangled up several times, cleared her throat loudly and typed on a keyboard.

In addition, loud background noises were audible until the podcast finally stopped after less than a minute.

This stayed on Twitter Daily news breakdown not long without comment.

The Tagesschau glitch caused a lot of ridicule on Twitter.  (Symbol photo)

The Tagesschau glitch caused a lot of ridicule on Twitter. (Symbol photo) © Martti Kainulainen / Lehtikuva / dpa

“If the intern uploads the Tagesschau the wrong file to Spotify,” joked a user and linked the podcast.

Another wondered: “What is going on with Linda Zervakis in ‘Tagesschau in 100 seconds’ today? Something is wrong.”

One user even recommended the podcast to her followers for a good start to the day:

“Recommendation for a good mood this morning: Listen to the news in 100 seconds.” She also added the hashtags #Fail, #Vers VP and #Tagesschau.

It didn’t take long before ARD itself realized that it was not the final version but a test recording by the presenter that was uploaded.

The correct version can now be heard on Spotify.

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