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Did the hottest paparazzi get that picture? Erdukrul ZKÖK

“The most sympathetic paparazzi coffin in the world …”

I started writing this:

“Don’t get caught up in the phrase ‘coffin’ in the title.”


I am so sad today …

Because for a magazine, we have lost the sympathy of the most colorful magazine in Turkey …

First name Soso Toledo’

But his name is actually Soso …

Toledo has no last name….

But I still don’t know his real name …

I know this:

Immigrants from Spain, Jews born in 1937 in Istanbul, Turkey …

It was a Tofan boy …

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When he lost his father at the age of seven, his mother took him to a Greek orphanage …

He stayed there until he was 13 years old and spoke Greek and an Istanbulite to speak there.


To the Turkish media “Paparazzi” The photographer came up with this idea …

In fact, he’s not a photographer either …

To enter the beauty pageant that takes place on the island, she hung up with a photographer and pretended to be a journalist and saw the competition …


We lost this very colorful person from the Turkish paparazzi and the history of the tabloids …

For me, this is the end of an era in the history of journalism …

Piece by piece.

Let me tell you a little about this wonderful person.

Sikka and Toto in a Vittorio from a Dino Rice movie

Ben I met him after I became the director of Hurriyat.

Come on invitation “I’m Soso” Was presented …

He is a man with earrings and medallions around his neck.

1950 Italy Dino Ricci He was like someone in his movies …

In the Toronto scandal Vittorio di Cicca He is completely …

The nature of global sympathy …

Language was manipulated when the coach seemed harsh in the room

To the country As …

If you ask where it comes from, I’ll tell you.

When she was 13 years old, she was adopted by a Greek woman when a Greek orphanage told her that she could no longer adopt him.

The woman’s husband was a carpenter making a coffin.

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He learned the profession near him.

In fact, an event occurred there.

One day while working on empty coffins, when another employee came quietly from behind and looked at him and pretended to be a ghost, he was speechless with fear and could not speak for a long time.

Did the most beautiful paparazzi really get that photo?

Bartots of a devil in brigades

Later, he made a living selling ice cream in theaters.

If a person can say, “This is the pen of the devil,” that is it.

It is impossible to see or love him.

Here he entered the field of journalism with determination.

He previously worked for the largest newspaper, Acom.

From there, it passed to Harriet.

In fact, he worked for several years as a “weekend” for the Hurriyat newspaper.

In the nightlife of Paris, Istanbul and Athens there are no strangers for him …

From Brigitte Bardot to Sofia Loren and Sean Connery, they all met and photographed …

Did the most beautiful paparazzi really get that photo?

Did the most beautiful paparazzi really get that photo?

Aliki Wyuklaki’s husband returned to Istanbul Jivish

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One Greece Time Phyllis AkinIs named Aliki Wuyuklaki, Orhan kaniraiWhen I came to Istanbul to shoot a movie with him, he was the translator.

வுயுக்லகி When she returned, she took him with her to Athens, but after a while, when her husband became jealous, she had to return to Istanbul.

There are legends in the history of the Turkish press in its paparazzi story.

Prince Surya was actually kissed with that man.

Soso Toledo’An event in his life is considered a legend for the whole world of the press.

Shah from Iran Reza PahlaviBecause he has no children Facebook Facebook logo Sign up for Facebook to connect with Farah Thiba When the ex-wife decided to get married Princesa saraiya He started living in Istanbul for a while …

At that time, the popular TopCop movie was filming in Istanbul.

One of the cast of the film was the most important German actor of the time. Shell of Maximilian …

Princesa saraiya Gives Shell of Maximilian ‘I made friends.

Did the most beautiful paparazzi really get that photo?

Did the most beautiful paparazzi really get that photo?
Princess Saraya and Maximilian Shell are in Istanbul.

The Hurriyat reporter was photographed kissing them.

In that Shell of maximiliano He attacked the Hurriyat reporter while they were fighting Regular He also took a photo of them.

This fact is always told in the history of the magazine, but for my part, I have never seen those photos …

When I was a director, I looked a lot and couldn’t find them.

I asked again yesterday and they couldn’t find it again.

I don’t know if it really was …

By doing so, it could really be a turning point in paparazzi history.

I say Turkish soft power is rising again, or go

prior to At night I received a message that surprised me the most …

Variety Magazine, published in Los Angeles, has been Hollywood’s leading news source for many years.

Still is …

Now I am subscribed to your web version.

Here Variety posted an archive the night before.

“The Best International Television Series of 2020 …”

So they created the Top 20, one of the best television series besides American television series …

At the top of that list was a Turkish television series.


I really liked the transmission of the series by Bluetooth.

I can even say that he is the best Turkish detective I have ever seen.

Movement Emin AlberIn the series that made Ahmed Mamdas Dylan, Kenan irmirzalıoğlu AND Melissa Sasson While playing ….

Audio recording of a series of murders within a Sufi sect Mergan muerto Have done.

I’ve been saying for a while …

Turkish television series are on the rise again in the business world

Over the past 10 years, we as a state have lost weight due to the over-the-top nationalist Ottoman TV series that we have focused on. “Soft power” And so “Soft power” So that I can come back.

What is Aegean’s true smile?

During my childhood, when my sense of smell was still very strong, I could smell the scent of chamomile, almond and plum in the Aegean spring.

For the first time19
I go to bodrum all summer “Mandalin Kazosu“When I drank it, they told me it was the scent of Aegean.

For the next several years, I visited the Rebel Colony in Istanbul and hung onto the lavender flower. “The aroma of Aegean is lavender” Said…

In my thirties Lawrence Darrell ‘In “Bitter lemon” When I read the book (Bitter Lemon) and went to Cyprus for the first time, I only discovered the smell of lemon. “That’s” Said.

When I was fifty-somethings, the smell of sea and sponge rose to my nose… When I said Aegean, I always dreamed of that.

When I first went to Toronto, Italy in 2018, I only smelled lemon and for some reason I smelled like Aegean again.

Yesterday a small Christmas present arrived from a friend.

One “Edom Ruhi Colonia” …

A wonderful cologne made from a blend of mandarin and lemon …

I sighed and made my final decision:

“This is the true smell of the Aegean …”

Did the most beautiful paparazzi really get that photo?Did the most beautiful paparazzi really get that photo?

‘My Dear Head’ is so beautiful ‘Le Medue’

That Today my head is infected and look what it does when there are so many national problems …

The previous night Sulph Livanelli‘Nin “My head of love” When I hear a song, I think of a popular song from the 70s for some reason “Le Medech” Came …

Georges MustaqiThere are very few people in my generation who don’t like songs …

The following question came to mind.

Alone சுல்பு
‘Nin “My head of love” Song Yves Montant O leo Ferre O Serge Regiani Had said “Le Medech” Wouldn’t it be so popular?

This …

“My head of love”Definitely speaking “Le Medech”Beautiful for the words …

Page author: Frozen Demir
Author: Medin Usta
Design and application: Selma Sangal Jenkin

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