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“Did Stars or Galaxies Come First?: Exploring the Universe’s Formation”

Billions of stars form a galaxy that is so beautiful and majestic. Is it true that stars are born first in the universe?

GridKids.id – Kids, if you often follow GridKids articles about outer space, you are no stranger to stars and galaxies.

You have understood that stars are celestial objects capable of producing their own light through the process of nuclear fusion.

Whereas galaxies are a collection of billions to trillions of stars exist in the universe whose extent cannot be estimated.

After reviewing the definition, simple questions arise such as which came to exist first, was it the stars or the galaxies?

That question might be answered if we look back at the theory of the formation of the universe, Kids.

The Big Bang phenomenon is one of the most well-known theories of the formation of the universe.

The phenomenon of expansion of space from the microscopic scale to form very large galaxies is known as inflation.

After this inflation, the evolution of the universe occurred in more orderly stages when the temperature of the universe became colder due to the expansion process that occurred.

In this cooling phase, the first protons and neutrons condensed out of the mixture, followed by hydrogen, helium, lithium and beryllium which began to freeze.

In those early days, before there were the first stars in the universe, there was only hydrogen and freely floating dark matter.

Dark matter is invisible matter that only interacts with the strong gravity around it.

Also Read: Are There Stars Shining from Other Galaxies in Our Sky?

2023-05-01 13:00:00
#true #stars #universe #formed #earlier #galaxies

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