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Did Saint Michael the Archangel save Marcela Posada from cancer? Read the story of the manizaleña

Photo | Taken from Instagram | THE HOMELAND

Marcela Posada, actress from Manizales.

The Manizale actress Marcela Posada He recounted an experience of getting closer with Saint Michael the Archangelafter they announced – during the recordings of Eva’s Heels (2006 to 2008) – the existence of two possible tumors in his body: one in a kidney and another in the head. He mentioned this on Cristina Estupiñán’s podcast.

Today, at 53 years old and promoting the new series of I am Betty, the ugly onerecalled the event that marked her at that time: “They went to operate on me…and That night I had dreamed of Saint Michael the Archangel. “I didn’t know who he was, being Catholic I saw him, I didn’t recognize him and my sister Natalia, who at that time also lived with me, presented me with an image of him…after the surgery.”

She added: “It turns out that That was the total healing… they were operating on my kidney and it was 95% cancer. When they did the exams, it wasn’t cancer, it gained 5%. Then I really saw that it was a true miracle“.

The interpreter of Sandra Patiño, better known as ‘la Giraffe’ in Betty, She was moved by this processfrom which it emerged renewed and thanking God for the new opportunity to continue sharing with his daughter and family.

in the program I know everything commented on his role in Bettya series in which she is declared homosexual: “A surprise. I was expecting the six-foot German, also like ‘the Giraffe’. Our job as actors is to interpret the character. Yes, I have seen people who come in at most in conflict with the issue, but what I tell them is not to stop loving ‘the Giraffe.'”

*With information from www.infobae.com

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