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Did Ioan Gyuri Pascu die for days?

Shock hypothesis! Ioan Gyuri Pascu died for days. An employee of the Bucharest-Ilfov Ambulance Service (SABIF) told tolo.ro that the 55-year-old artist would have had a chance to be saved if the first doctor who was called the night he died had realized that Gyuri was on the verge of a heart attack.

According to the respective source, at 3.26, on Sunday night to Monday, Ioan Gyuri Pascu and his ex-wife, in whose house the artist was, made an emergency call. “They sent an ambulance to the home, with a crew of a driver and a doctor. Gyuri was agitated and the doctor gave him only a sedative, a diazepam, he was diagnosed with a panic attack and he left “, the employee from the Ambulance declared for tolo.ro. After exactly 90 minutes, at 4.56, the actor’s wife called 112 again, and two SMURD cars and an ambulance with a doctor from SABIF arrived at her home. SMURD doctors found him in cardiopulmonary arrest and tried for almost an hour to resuscitate him, but without success.

Contacted by tolo.ro, Alis Grasu confirmed, on Wednesday, what the employee from the Ambulance said: “Yes, around 3.10, after the call, an ambulance arrived at the house where Gyuri Pascu was. The blood pressure was good, 12 with something, the pulse was good, 74. His wife kept saying that Mr. Pascu had panic attacks, so the doctor gave him half a vial of diazepam “, said Alis Grasu. She also mentioned that the diagnosis was a “panic attack”. Dr. Grasu also said that the first ambulance that arrived at Gyuri Pascu “had the equipment for high diagnosis”. However, the doctor did not perform an electrocardiogram.

Yesterday, the coffin with the lifeless body of Gyuri Pascu was taken to Agnita, Sibiu, his hometown. The artist will be buried tomorrow, at 12.00, in the Evangelical Cemetery in the locality, together with his parents and one of his sisters.

The movie of the tragedy

3.26 – the first call to 112. The doctor does not consider the case serious
4.56 – The artist’s wife calls the Emergency Department again
5.03 – the first SMURD crew reaches the victim
5.10 – the doctors from SMURD and SABIF arrive
5.50 – death is declared

Folk singer, who died of cancer at the age of 47

Aurelian Preda was hard tried by fate in the last years of his life. The popular music soloist, who died of cancer at the age of 47, in Vienna, on Tuesday, fought a long series of battles. He was diagnosed with an aneurysm, cancer and was in clinical death, with doctors giving him no chance. He underwent four brain surgeries and five colon surgeries. “A few years ago, when the doctors diagnosed me with a severe cerebral aneurysm and told me I had no chance, all I could do was believe and hope. And God helped me. The fact that I went into clinical death made me completely change my life and have a new vision of it. While the doctors called my mother and told her that I had no chance, I heard everything and I didn’t know how to warn her that I was there, that I could hear her … “, said Aurelian, in a interview for Taifasuri in 2012. The artist will be buried at Dervent Monastery.

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