Home » News » Did a curse from a golden possession overtake the former boxer Rambo, who died of cold in the market in Burgas

Did a curse from a golden possession overtake the former boxer Rambo, who died of cold in the market in Burgas

news/2023/02/08/167588259429125.jpg?resize=900%2C675&ssl=1" width="900" height="675" layout="responsive" alt="Проклятие от златно имане ли застигна бившия боксьор Рамбо, който умря от студ на пазара в Бургас">

Rambo with his wife Eugenia. Ironically, the photo was taken a few years ago at the Krasnodar market, the place where he died a few days ago

John Rambo is a literary and film character created by Canadian writer David Morrell. An expert in extreme hostile survival, guerrilla warfare, and survival behind enemy lines.

But Burgas also had its own Rambo – a distorted and degraded image to some extent, but a real one. This is Nedyo Dimov Karagyozov, 63 years old, from the Sozopol village of Zidarovo, who was found frozen to death in the Krasnodar market on February 6.

Flagman.bg contacted Nedyo’s relatives, who sent him on his last earthly journey yesterday. His sister from Aitos and his ex-wife and mother of his children released the body from an autopsy. It was not necessary to initiate pre-trial proceedings and social burial with a prosecutor’s decree.

First victim of the cold in Burgas, the corpse of the cult Rambo lies in the market

The story of Burgas Rambo turns out to be no less interesting than that of the fictional character. Perhaps the comparison is exaggerated, but there are also some similarities. He was a national boxer and brought glory to Bulgaria. But he chose his own fate, say his acquaintances.

Nedyo was a unique bohemian, squeezing the stone, water flowed from it. He was very much for justice, when he saw someone being bullied or injustice, he always took the right side. He jumped into battle when he had to, but always to protect the weak.

Nedyo was never a material person. He was engaged in construction for many years. He has a wife and three children. About 20 years ago, his relatives say that he demolished a house in Burgas and found a bag full of gold. A lot of it was stolen afterwards because Nedyo wasn’t excited about it. Another part of the gold he distributed to people in extreme need. And finally, what an irony – see how he himself left. Whether the curse of the found treasure befell him I cannot say. But the choice to live like this was his. However, for sure, Nedyo is more human than many people.” This is what a local person who knows well the life path of Nedyo, who is known as Rambo to Burgasians, told Flagman.bg.

Rambo – the story of Burgas’s most famous unfortunate, who died of cold this morning. And do you remember the Iota?

And he adds a few more touches: “A shocking story, I got chills while listening to it then and it still does when I tell it. Now living in the city as a bum, Rambo goes to the train station and sees a hungry child, barefoot and with torn clothes. In seconds, he literally becomes enraged. Taxi drivers are told how they are not ashamed to watch a small child cry from hunger and continue to talk to each other as if it is not there. And with the money collected for the brandy, Rambo goes and buys the child a strajanka, turns and leaves.”

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Nedyo was a unique bohemian, when he squeezed the stone, water flowed from it, his friend from the time when he was not an alcoholic told Flagman.bg

His wish was to be in the market, his relatives begged him to come home to them at first, but he always returned – this is how our conversation with the man who knows Nedyo Dimov Karagyozov or Rambo – the most famous Burgas miscreant ends.

His relatives begged him to return, but he himself repeatedly refused. The municipality took him to the shelter 4 times, but Rambo spent only a few days there… and so until February 6, 2023.

Nedyo was buried yesterday in the village of Zidarovo, his sister, his ex-wife and his acquaintances came to see him off. His three children – two sons and a daughter, who lived abroad but could not return home, only sent money for the funeral. The mayor of Sozopol, Tihomir Yanakiev, also helped the organization of the appeal.

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This is a post by Nedyo’s daughter saying goodbye to her father with this photo

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