Home » today » News » Diasorin investigation, Salvini’s name appears in a chat: presumed pressure on mayors in favor of alternative tests

Diasorin investigation, Salvini’s name appears in a chat: presumed pressure on mayors in favor of alternative tests

In the papers under examination by the Pavia prosecutor for the investigation on the agreement between the Policlinico San Matteo and the company Diasorin for the performance of anti-Covid serological tests, in a chat between administrators the name of the leader of the League has appeared Matteo Salvini. A leading member of the party, in a message, harshly attacks the mayor of Robbio (Pavia), Roberto Francese, in favor of an alternative test to that of the Pavia hospital and the Saluggia (Vercelli) society: “I heard Matteo – says the League -, whoever is with that wretched is out of the party “. The news is reported by “The Province of Pavia”.

The contents of this chat are now being examined by the Pavia Prosecutor’s Office, as well as alleged warnings of the ATS of Pavia on the Municipalities so that they do not adopt tests other than that established by the San Matteo-Diasorin agreement. There are eight suspects from the Pavia prosecutor’s office (the leaders of Diasorin and San Matteo), with the hypothesis of a crime of disturbed freedom of the procedure and peculation.

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