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Diana Del Bufalo is not vaccinated. The outburst on Instagram and the insults – Chronicle

A photo of Diana Del Bufalo posted on her Instagram profile

Rome, January 30, 2021 – “I am not vaccinated because I was advised against from my GP. “The actress Diana Del Bufalo ends up on the social grid for having said in a live broadcast Instagram who has not undergone anti-Covid administration, nor will she because she was advised by her general practitioner. “Now I understand her ‘I don’t know if I’ll be there for Christmas’, writes a user. And another, commenting on a post of her new film, adds:’ How can I see it at the cinema if I’m no vax eat you? ‘. In the rain of criticisms e insults rained upon them after the live broadcast, with some exceptions for messages of support and esteem, the actress replied with a message in her Instagram stories: “When I entered the world of entertainment – she wrote on the social network – I immediately understood that there is there were two types of journalists: those who do it for passion and those who would sell their mother just to make a headline like “.

“I’ll explain everything with the utmost clarity – continued the actress -, because that’s what I am, one clear person: it is true, I am not vaccinated because I was advised against by my GP, alas due to family genetics I have a dancing heart, nothing serious but still I monitor it. I felt inside me that I wanted to listen to my doctor and so I did “.

The message spread by the actress on Instagram

“Clearly – he concluded – the insults I am receiving are the result of this society where diversity is not accepted … I take note, with some regret … it will seem absurd but I understand this too. A (virtual) hug“.

The actress has recently been selected, together with a large cast, to participate in the next edition of ‘Lol – whoever laughs is out, the Amazon prime tv series. “The most DIFFICULT and fun thing I’ve ever done in my life “, she declared herself always on her Instagram profile.

Covid in Italy: the bulletin of December 30th

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