Home » today » World » Diamantopoulou: Greece should challenge Germany’s decision at the European Court of Justice – 2024-09-14 21:03:57

Diamantopoulou: Greece should challenge Germany’s decision at the European Court of Justice – 2024-09-14 21:03:57

Positions and proposals for dealing with immigration, then the actions that Germany has taken in the last few hours, were presented, among others, by the candidate for the leadership of the PaSoK, Anna Diamantopoulou, speaking to a warm and crowded audience in Rhodes. An island that experiences the consequences of illegal immigration every day.

“It is very clear that in recent months the flow of refugees has increased towards the Dodecanese, one can easily see it in the city of Rhodes. Guarding our borders is the first priority if one looks at the developments in Europe.

Immigration is an extremely important issue that concerns both individual countries and overall the cohesion of the European Union. Germany’s decision to close its land borders from next Monday for six months is a blatant violation of the Schengen treaty. Gateway countries such as Greece and host countries in central Europe must cooperate in compliance with the treaties and solidarity. Otherwise, Europe risks dangerous internal conflicts. Greece cannot accept this arbitrary decision by Germany, which it will have to appeal to the European Court of Justice,” underlined Anna Diamantopoulou.

During her tour of the island of Rhodes, Mrs. Diamantopoulou visited the Military Division of Rhodes together with the Dodecanese Member of Parliament of PaSoK-KIN.AL, Mr. Giorgos Nikitiadis.

After pointing out the important role that Rhodes has as an international tourist destination par excellence, he also emphasized the great defensive importance of the island as a shield on the borders of the country. “We are not complacent, we are constantly vigilant. Despite the reduction in tensions, we are not naive, Turkey remains a revisionist force. We keep communication, we want peaceful coexistence but we do not negotiate our sovereign rights. All Greeks, people and political leadership, surround the Armed Forces with absolute confidence, we support their strengthening and we rely on their deterrent capability.”

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