From Friday 24th to Sunday 26th May the fifteenth edition of the Dialogues of Pistoiathe contemporary anthropology festival promoted by the Caript Foundation and the Municipality of Pistoia, conceived and directed by Giulia Cogoli. “Are we what we eat? Nourishing the body and mind” is the theme that guides the reflections of anthropologists, historians, philosophers, scientists, chefs, writers, artists and psychologists, who in 55 appointments will delve into the relationship between human beings and food, investigating the ways in which, over time, every society builds and transforms one’s own idea of shared taste. Guests include Vittorio Lingiardi, Antonio Manzini, Cristina Bowerman, Peppe Servillo, Andrea Riccardi, Michela Marzano, Paolo Fresu, Stefano Mancuso, Andrea Segrè, Marino Niola, Gaia Cottino, Adriano Favole, Enzo Bianchi, Vito Teti.
We will talk about tribes and food taboos, myths, ideologies, stories and beliefs related to nutrition, but also about the impact of the food system on the environment, education, well-being and prevention.
A Corrado Augias will be awarded the International Dialoghi Prize of Pistoia, now in its seventh edition, defined as “one of the most attentive and profound protagonists of our society and our culture, who in his long career as a journalist, writer and author of cultural programs for television and radio has demonstrated an extraordinary commitment to the diffusion and promotion of culture and reading”. The award ceremony, on Saturday 25 May in Piazza del Duomo, will be followed by the meeting “Dialogues and words for today’s Italy”. In an era of rapid transition, of the disappearance of values that we believed to be timeless, of new fears and great uncertainty, Augias in conversation with the anthropologist Marco Aime, wants to go against the current, slow down in the face of the continuous acceleration of images and words.
“The choice of food today is indicative of tastes, ideologies, fashions and even perspectives on the future – reflects the director of the festival Giulia Cogoli – We divide ourselves into food tribes: vegetarians, vegans, fruitarians, staunch defenders of the omnivore, talking about food therefore means talking about identity, cultures, community and ecology. Without forgetting that too many people still suffer from malnutrition or malnutrition, while in some parts of the world abundant food is wasted and thrown away, and food-related diseases are increasingly on the rise.”
“With dozens of high-profile events and guests, the festival will address many issues around which a good part of the future of humanity is played out – declares Lorenzo Zogheri, president of the Caript Foundation – To explore them we have chosen the key to food, which is a topic that particularly meets the sensitivity of the younger generations. We thought of them as privileged interlocutors of this edition of the Dialogues, to offer opportunities for reflection and cultural growth, as well as a significant contribution to the development of our territory, given the attention that the festival draws to Pistoia at a national level”.

The mayor of Pistoia states, Alessandro Tomasi: “The theme of this year’s Festival goes far beyond current events because it is one of the fundamental keys to determining the future of the planet. The in-depth analyzes at the start become an opportunity for enrichment for each of us, who with our own style of life affects the environment. I like to think about this type of environmentalism, this sustainability that makes us responsible and involves us personally and I think that knowing and reflecting on the issues of origin, production and consumption of food can represent an important driving force for big and small changes.”
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– 2024-04-30 19:58:59