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Dialogues between Maduro and the opposition: what will be the role of Colombia? – The first coffee – Podcast

Listen to our program ‘The first coffee’ of 25 November 2022 here:

Political tension in the neighboring country of Venezuela has become a determining factor in the stability of Colombia in recent decades. For this reason, the fact that the Nicolás Maduro regime resumes negotiations with the opposition represents an important point on the agenda of the current Colombian government. Thus, President Gustavo Petro announced the news and is present in its development. Also, in this episode: From Qatar, the journalist José Orlando Asencio tells us what Brazil was like and how he paints the start of the second round of the World Cup. Finally, he listens to the ‘La Greca’ section.

Appointment from Monday to Friday, starting at 6, a new episode, available on www.eltiempo.com as well as directly in the application of Spotify.

‘The first coffee’ is a podcast developed by Spotify and EL TIEMPO, a content production alliance that allows you to bring you the analysis of expert journalists in their areas.

Questions and answers on ‘The first coffee’

How to listen to it?

Every day, from Monday to Friday, starting at 6 in the morning, a new episode of ‘El primer café’ will be available for immediate and full playback through www.eltiempo.com, without having to enter the Spotify application or hold account of it. However, the experience with ‘Il primo caffè’ improves by being able to subscribe and thus automatically receive updates on each episode, as well as access the full range of podcasts offered by the renowned streaming platform.

How to register?

Via the Spotify application, by pressing the ‘follow’ button (or ‘follow’, if set to English) on this web address.

How to discover the new episodes?

There are several options. One is via the Spotify application: on our program page you will find a bell which, once activated, will notify you on your mobile phone whenever there is a new episode. It will also put “The first coffee” in your preferences.

Another is to pay attention to the alerts from www.eltiempo.com, which can be activated both in the mobile version and on the computer via a bell located in the lower right part of the screen (thus also receiving news alerts from our portal). A third way is through social networks @timealways starting at 6 in the morning. Also, follow us on our Twitter account @PodcastELTIEMPO.

Can it be downloaded to my phone or computer?

Yes. The Spotify app offers the ability to download each episode to your device, although that file cannot be moved to other devices. In other words, by activating the download option, the episode can be listened to without being connected to the internet (or in ‘airplane’ mode), but exclusively through the application and on the device associated with that account.

Do previous episodes disappear?

No, they can be heard anytime here. On Spotify they appear organized by date, in a list, under the latest episode, and are a guide to understanding the issues that are on the national agenda.


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