Home » today » News » “Dialogue with Shaanxi and Perception of China – Promoting Mutual Learning among Civilizations and Sharing the Beauty of Harmony” Themed Salon Held at Shaanxi Archaeological Museum

“Dialogue with Shaanxi and Perception of China – Promoting Mutual Learning among Civilizations and Sharing the Beauty of Harmony” Themed Salon Held at Shaanxi Archaeological Museum

  chinanews.comXi’an, December 26 (Li Yifan) “When I first came to Xi’an 20 years ago, I knew nothing about Chinese culture. When I saw the terracotta warriors and horses and countless miracles in China, I decided not to be a tourist anymore. As a bystander, my life in China began. Over the years, I have witnessed the booming economy of Shaanxi and felt the spirit of Shaanxi people to cherish the past and embrace the future.” Si Mingcheng, deputy director of the New Channel China Story Research Institute expressed on the 25th.

On the afternoon of the 25th, Dialogue with Shaanxi and Perception of China – “Promoting Mutual Learning among Civilizations and Sharing the Beauty of Harmony” themed salon was held at the Shaanxi Archaeological Museum. More than 50 Chinese and foreign guests, including experts and scholars, foreign media reporters, and youth representatives, had in-depth exchanges on how to tell the story of Shaanxi well to the outside world and enhance mutual learning between Chinese and foreign civilizations.

On the afternoon of the 25th, Dialogue with Shaanxi and Perception of China – “Promoting Mutual Learning among Civilizations and Sharing the Beauty of Harmony” themed salon was held at the Shaanxi Archaeological Museum.Photo by Li Yifan

In the themed salon session, Norihiro Shinbei, director of the China Bureau of Japan’s “Tokyo Shimbun”, told the story of the Terracotta Warriors’ tour in Japan, and introduced the Japanese people’s enthusiasm and love for the Terracotta Warriors and Shaanxi culture; Ai Xiaoying, an Egyptian lecturer at Northwest University, told the attendees The guests shared their understanding and research on the “Literary Shaanxi Army” and introduced their own stories of translating “Selected Prose of Jia Pingwa” and other Shaanxi literary works in Arabic… Chinese and foreign guests combined their respective fields to share their views and discuss around the theme of the event.

Mina, an international student from Tajikistan at Xi’an International Studies University, shared her experience and feelings about participating in cultural exchange activities such as the “Belt and Road” International Student Culture and Art Festival. “The past few years of studying in China have made me deeply fall in love with this country and integrate into the city of Xi’an. I actively signed up to participate in volunteer services in various large-scale activities and wanted to contribute to the cultural exchanges of the ‘One Belt and One Road’ initiative. A small contribution,” Mina said. During the on-site exchange, many Chinese and foreign young people shared their stories of participating in Shaanxi cultural dissemination in different fields.

On the afternoon of the 25th, Dialogue with Shaanxi and Perception of China – “Promoting Mutual Learning among Civilizations and Sharing the Beauty of Harmony” themed salon was held at the Shaanxi Archaeological Museum.Photo by Li Yifan

Shan Hong, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Shaanxi Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China and director of the Information Office of the Shaanxi Provincial People’s Government, said that he looks forward to more experts, scholars, international students and friends from all walks of life coming to Shaanxi to carry out cultural exchanges and explore the charm and vitality of the eastern starting point of the ancient Silk Road. , feel and experience the myriad aspects of Chinese modernization, and jointly promote Chinese culture to better go to the world.

In addition, the guests also visited the Shaanxi Archaeological Museum. “This is a journey to explore historical relics. Explore the context of Chinese civilization through historical fragments, feel the life course and splendid past of cultural relics at close range, and feel the charm of cultural relics and archaeology in Shaanxi and China.” A Thai student from Xi’an International Studies University Gui Yunxing said.

The picture shows foreign friends visiting the Shaanxi Archaeological Museum. (Photo courtesy of the organizer)

The reporter learned that the Shaanxi Archaeological Museum, located in the south of the Qinling Mountains, is China’s first special museum on archaeology. It combines cultural relics with unearthed backgrounds, interprets the sites from an archaeological perspective, outlines the development of Chinese archeology and Shaanxi archeology, and demonstrates the diversity and integration of Chinese civilization. The overall characteristics attract the public to get close to and understand archeology, and share the achievements of cultural heritage protection.

It is reported that this event is sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Shaanxi Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Information Office of the Shaanxi Provincial People’s Government, and the Shaanxi Branch of Xinhua News Agency, and is hosted by the Shaanxi Center of the Xinhua News Agency News Information Center, Xi’an International Studies University, and the Shaanxi Archaeological Museum. (over)

2023-12-26 03:13:00
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