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Diablo 4 Emergency Update Cuts Off Secret Skills in Community Rumors

When it comes to what “Diablo” is playing, it is probably waiting for treasures and equipment, but most of these comfortable and pleasant experiences for players can’t be enjoyed for a long time, because Blizzard Entertainment’s big knife often comes soon. “Diablo IV” (Diablo IV) launched an emergency update shortly earlier, cutting off the secret skills such as dungeon rush that are currently rumored in the community.

according toOfficial AnnouncementBlizzard’s first entry describes “Further adjusting the density of elite monsters in dungeons”, and notes that “We are normalizing the density of elite monsters generated in dungeons to ensure that no specific dungeon is more efficient than other dungeons.”


Although Blizzard did not specify which dungeon was corrected, as early as last week, overseas communities have circulated that many dungeons with high-density monsters are very suitable for hunting treasures and rushing, including “Eridu Ruins – Rot hall”.

However, after this fix, these dungeons have definitely been fixed, in other words the player community has to find another way to level up.

In addition to correcting the density of monsters, Blizzard also brought in this emergency update related corrections for barbarians, as well as miscellaneous corrections for players who did not meet the conditions to enter World Tier 3 in advance.

In any case, for a game that focuses on collecting treasures or equipping for fun, Diablo 4 is similar to the experience of the past three generations. Whenever there are any useful tricks or tactics for treasure farming, most of them are cool It didn’t take long, because the Blizzard team always pays close attention to players’ discoveries, and this part has also caused backlash from overseas players.

I’m loving D4 but please stop nerfing the new best dungeon option
by u/Xidion in diablo4

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