TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – For sufferers diabetes, choosing food and beverage intake is very important because some should be consumed and some need to be avoided. There are several dietary and beverage restrictions for diabetes patients. The goal is that diabetics have controlled blood sugar levels.
The following is a list of foods and drinks that can be consumed and should be avoided by diabetes patients by type.
The body needs carbohydrates as a source of energy. However, diabetics you should avoid consuming white rice, white bread, and french fries. Also avoid cereals that are low in fiber and contain lots of sugar. To meet your carbohydrate intake, you can choose brown rice, whole grain bread, or baked sweet potatoes.
The following prohibitions are fried meat, chicken skin, fried fish, and fried tofu. Instead, diabetics can get protein intake from skinless chicken breast, boiled meat, steamed or boiled tofu, grilled fish, eggs, and nuts.
Illustration of milk (Pixabay.com)
Dairy products
Diabetes patients should also not eat dairy products carelessly. Milk products that should be consumed are skim milk and low-fat yogurt and cheese. Limit or avoid consumption of full cream milk, ice cream, and high-fat yogurt and cheese.
Fruits contain fiber, vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates and are low in fat and salt. Almost all types of fresh fruit can be consumed by diabetics. However, there are several types or forms of fruit that diabetics should avoid, including:
-Canned fruit high in sugar
-Sweet fruit high in sugar
-Fruit sauce
-Fruit flavored drinks and packaged fruit juices
Water is the best drink for diabetics. In addition, diabetic patients can still consume sugarless tea and coffee with low-fat milk. There are several drinks that are abstinence, such as caffeinated drinks, alcoholic drinks, or stamina-boosting drinks because they are high in carbohydrates and fructose. Fructose is closely related to insulin resistance and diabetes so it should be avoided by diabetics.
Vegetables are a good source of fiber for health. To get the benefits, choose fresh. You can eat it raw after being washed or processed by steaming and grilling. However, avoid adding extra sauce, cheese, butter, and salt. Also, avoid canned and pickled vegetables that have been added a lot of salt.
If diabetes restrictions are violated, blood sugar levels can increase and even get out of control. As a result, various complications can occur, such as an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and nerve damage.
Types of cardiovascular disease that can be suffered are heart attacks, strokes, and narrowing of blood vessels. Meanwhile, nerve damage can cause tingling symptoms in the tips of the toes, numbness, and pain that spreads to the upper limbs. This complication occurs because high sugar levels can injure the walls of the small blood vessels that function to provide nutrition to nerve cells.
If nerve damage occurs in the digestive tract it can cause diarrhea and constipation. Erectile dysfunction can also occur in men due to nerve damage. Healthy food intake can meet daily nutritional needs while maintaining levels blood sugar remain stable.
Also read: Control Diabetes and Hypertension with This Natural Material
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