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Diabetes Management in Children Must be Enforced by Parents for Convenience


It is important for parents to enforce diabetes management in children, so that children live comfortably.

GridHEALTH.id – Diabetes not only experienced by adults, children are also diagnosed with this disease.

Diabetes cause high blood sugar levels in children. This condition occurs due to disruption of the hormone insulin produced by the pancreas gland.

According to the Ministry of Health.go.id page, diabetes divided into two diabetes type 1 and diabetes type 2.

Also Read: Need Extra Attention, This Causes Type 1 Diabetes In Children

Type 1 diabetes is caused due to insufficient insulin production by the pancreas and diabetes 2, aka adult onset, is caused by insulin resistance.

In the sense that insulin is sufficient but does not work well in controlling blood sugar levels.

Well, caring for a child with diabetes may be difficult at first, but over time it will become a habit for parents.

Reported from WebMDHere are some ways that can be done for diabetes management in children.

Basic care

Also Read: 5 Ways to Prevent Diabetic Nephropathy aka Diabetic Kidney Disease

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