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Diabetes Diet: 5 Healthy Eating Tips for Diabetes Sufferers to Control Blood Sugar Levels

TRIBUNHEALTH.COM – Diabetes is a disease that cannot be taken lightly.

Someone who has diabetes of course needs to pay attention to the food they consume.

If you consume food carelessly, the fear is that it will affect blood sugar levels in the body.

Launch ayosehat.kemkes.go.iddiabetes is a disease with high blood sugar levels in the body.

Efforts to control blood sugar levels in diabetes sufferers can be done by starting a healthy life and a healthy diet.

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Here’s how to eat a healthy diet for diabetes sufferers

1. Consume foods that contain fiber and complex carbohydrates

Illustration of the types of carbohydrates that are good for diabetics to consume (Freepik)

Foods that contain fiber and complex carbohydrates are recommended for diabetes sufferers.

The reason is, these two foods containing fiber and complex carbohydrates are processed in the digestion for quite a long time, and that way blood sugar levels will be stable.

2. Don’t Skip Breakfast

Breakfast Illustration (pixabay.com)

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Diabetics should not skip breakfast. With food, the body will get the right energy, so excess appetite at lunch will be avoided. So blood sugar levels will be controlled.

3. Eat Regularly

illustration of healthy eating patterns (lifestyle.kompas.com)

Apart from adjusting the type of food, it turns out that diabetes sufferers also have to make sure they eat regularly.

Diabetes sufferers must pay attention to the schedule and amount of food consumed. Of course, this is done to regulate blood sugar levels in the body so that they remain stable.

4. Consume More Omega-3

Illustration of processed salmon which is rich in omega 3 (Pixabay)

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Omega-3 or fish oil is a food that is good for our health, especially for the heart.

Healthy friends can get omega-3 easily from several types of fish such as salmon, tuna and many more.

Diabetics are advised to consume more fish oil. The content of fish oil is very good in preventing the risk of inflammation in diabetes sufferers. That way, diabetes sufferers will avoid the risk of complications.

5. Balance it with exercise

running sport illustration (kompas.com)

Diabetic sufferers are strongly encouraged to do physical activity. The reason is, physical activity can help control blood sugar and of course lead to a healthier life.

Exercise that diabetes sufferers can do is light exercise such as running, walking, cycling or brisk walking. Make sure you exercise regularly at least once a week.


2024-02-07 02:12:54
#Controlling #Blood #Sugar #Levels #Healthy #Diet #Diabetes #Sufferers #Tribun #Health

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