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Diabetes can lead to blindness, here are five ways to prevent it

JawaPos.com Diabetes due to high blood sugar levels triggers various complications of other diseases if not controlled. From heart disease, stroke, amputation to blindness. Therefore, always check blood sugar and control it with a healthy lifestyle.

Internist Specialist JEC Eye Hospitals and Clinics dr. Bhanu Kumar, BMedSc, SpPD regrets that some people are currently unaware that they have contracted this disease. If diabetes is detected early, the chances of successful treatment are greater. He asked not to wait for symptoms to appear.

“Especially to prevent further complications. This means that the need to conduct a thorough examination is urgent. It must be done immediately, without waiting for the symptoms of diabetes to appear first. Including for the general public who do not have a family history of diabetes, “said dr. Bhanu online, Tuesday (16/11).

According to him, the management of people with diabetes is not only focused on maintaining sugar levels, but also includes five pillars of management that must be implemented with discipline. Health facilities that are able to provide integrated diabetes management are key.

And he warned that uncontrolled blood sugar can lead to blindness. So people with diabetes need daily therapy, regular blood sugar monitoring, and a healthy lifestyle.

“Without it, it is feared that chronic diabetes will trigger more serious complications, such as stroke and heart attack. No exception eye disorders that can lead to blindness, “said dr. Bhanu.

Editor: Dinarsa Kurniawan

Reporter: Marieska Harya Virdhani

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