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DHF in Bangkalan Meningkat, Recognize Symptoms and First Aid – Penanews.id

Head of Bangkalan Health Office Sudiyo

Penanews.id, BANGKALAN – Patients with Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in Bangkalan Regency, East Java continue to increase. Until December 2022, the Bangkalan Health Service recorded the number of sufferers reached 111 people.

Head of the Bangkalan Health Office, Sudiyo, shared tips on how to recognize the symptoms of DHF and what first aid should be done.

Dengue fever, said Yoyok, Sudiyo’s nickname, was caused by the bite of a mosquito which has the Latin name Ades Aegypti. These mosquitoes usually appear in the morning or evening.

According to Yoyok, one way to prevent mosquitoes from breeding is with 3M, namely draining water reservoirs, closing water reservoirs and burying used goods.

“The community must be able to play an active role in anticipating the increase in dengue cases by increasing the 3M pattern,” he explained Friday, December 31, 2021.

In general, the general symptoms of dengue fever are similar to ordinary fever. Other symptoms are accompanied by a very severe headache behind the eyes, muscle and joint pain, nausea, vomiting and a red rash appears on the surface of the skin.

“If you suffer from the disease, it is recommended to drink more water, and use warm compresses to take medicine, if there is no effect, then immediately take him to the nearest puskesmas and hospital,” he concluded.


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