SAMARINDA.NIAGA.ASIA – Dengue Fever cases still need to be watched out for by the people of East Kalimantan (Kaltim) because, throughout 2022 the East Kalimantan Health Service found as many as 5,887 cases of DHF spread across all regions of East Kalimantan, of which 39 cases resulted in death.
“The most dengue cases throughout 2022 are in the cities of Balikpapan and Balikpapan. Meanwhile, the highest death rate due to DHF was in Samarinda, namely 9 cases and in Balikpapan 7 cases, followed by 6 cases in West Kutai,” said the Head of the East Kalimantan Health Service, DR. Dr. Jaya Mualimin in the 2022 Annual Report of the East Kalimantan Health Service.
According to Jaya, to suppress DHF cases and deaths due to DHF, it is necessary to socialize massively and continuously to the public about the knowledge and behavior of PSN (Mosquito Nest Eradication) by means of 3M Plus.

What is meant by 3M Plus is all forms of prevention activities such as sprinkling larvicide powder on water reservoirs that are difficult to clean; using insect repellent or mosquito repellent; use mosquito nets while sleeping; maintain mosquito larvae predatory fish, and plant mosquito repellent plants.
“Meanwhile, deaths from DHF are due to delays in bringing patients to health facilities, to health centers or hospitals,” said Jaya.
Then, in the future, in overcoming DHF in the community it is necessary to increase funding and logistics, coordination of LP/LS (Cross Program/Cross Sector) which is currently very lacking, is improved. Communication, information, and education related to DHF need to be intensified again in the community.
“We have made various efforts in this DHF program, for example community empowerment, advocacy and outreach, vector control, and plans to spread wolbachia mosquitoes in Bontang, but it still needs to be increased, especially in certain times when dengue is increasing,” said Jaya.
Author: Intonist | Editor: Intonist
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