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DHF Cases Soar in Karangasem

The Head of Karangasem Health Office, I Gusti Bagus Putra Pertama, admitted that the number of dengue cases had increased recently, from January to April alone there were 170 cases.

Cases of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) increased sharply in Karangasem Regency in 2022. Data in 2021, dengue cases in Karangasem were 185 cases, while in 2022 from January to early May 285 cases had penetrated. Even the case of DHF in Karangasem has claimed one life. A fifth grader at SDN 3 Bungaya, Loaddem District, Karangasem, I Kadek Sudiastika, 10, from Banjar Timbul, Bungaya Village, Karangasem District, died at BaliMed Hospital, Jalan Nenas Amlapura, allegedly due to dengue, Wednesday (11/5) at 05.30 WITA.

The grandfather of the deceased, I Wayan Laga, said that the family did not realize that I Kadek Sudiastika had DHF. Initially, the victim’s sister, Ni Luh Nita Astiti Dewi, 12, was a class VII student at SMPN 4 Loaddem who was undergoing treatment for dengue fever. Previously, he had a fever, but it went down after being given fever-reducing drugs. Not realizing that the child had DHF, the family invited Kadek Sudiastika to visit his brother who was undergoing medical treatment at Balimed Hospital.

Given that the victim also visited his brother, then his health was checked. On Monday (9/5) morning, initially Kadek Sudiastika’s condition was normal, but after being checked again in the afternoon, he was found to be positive for dengue fever, so since last Monday at 16.00 WITA, the brother and sister have been undergoing treatment, accompanied by their parents, I Wayan Juena and Ni Kadek Geria.

Kadek Sudiastika’s condition turned out to be getting worse, his blood was thick, making it difficult to put infusions, accompanied by a decreased body condition and a drastic drop in platelets. Furthermore, Kadek Sudiastika was declared dead on Wednesday morning at 05.30 WITA after being taken to the ICU. The family then coordinated with the Bungaya Traditional Village regarding Ida Bhatara still working on Ngenteg Linggih and Nubung Meat works, so it was decided to hold a makingsan ring pertiwi ceremony at the Bungaya Traditional Village Setra at Anggara Pon Warigadean, Tuesday (17/5).

Community leader of Banjar Desa, Bungaya Village, I Made Wirta, who visited the funeral home on Wednesday, said that in Bungaya Village there were 15 residents with dengue fever spread across four banjars, namely Banjar Timbul, Banjar Beji, Banjar Darma Karya and Banjar Desa. . “It has been reported and the Health Service officer has also carried out fogging,” said Made Wirta, a member of the Karangasem DPRD.

Meanwhile, the Head of Karangasem Health Office, I Gusti Bagus Putra Pertama, admitted that dengue fever cases had increased since the rainy season. From January to April alone, 170 cases were recorded, while until early May there were 285 cases.

The only way to prevent dengue fever is using 3M, namely draining water reservoirs, closing water reservoirs and burying used goods. As much as possible to be completely safe from mosquito bites that cause dengue fever, avoid mosquito bites, sleep using mosquito nets and turn on insect repellent. Regarding the importance of fogging in areas prone to dengue fever, Head of Health, Gusti Bagus Putra Pertama, said that he had done it according to reports from the community.

“We have done fogging so that mosquito bites do not spread, so cases of dengue fever can be minimized,” he explained. Meanwhile, the latest data on dengue cases in Karangasem from January to early May were 285 cases. The details are in January as many as 59 cases, February as many as 57 cases, March as many as 68 cases, April as many as 62 cases, and May as many as 39 cases. As many as 22 dengue fever patients are still being treated at the hospital. This year’s cases have increased quite sharply when compared to 2021, which was only 185 cases. *k16

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