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DHF Cases Increase, Bali Health Office Encourages Traditional Villages to Create Pararem

Denpasar – Cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) in Bali continue to increase. The Bali Provincial Health Office (Dinkes) noted that in January 2021 there were 300 cases of DHF, then in January 2022 there were around 500 cases and in January 2023 there were 781 cases.

Related to this, the Bali Provincial Health Office has also encouraged traditional villages in Bali to design a pararem (traditional rules) related to dengue prevention in the community.

“We urge all village communities in Bali to make customary rules in the customary environment. So that all communities can be involved, and take responsibility (for dengue prevention),” said the Head of the Bali Provincial Health Office I Nyoman Gede Anom, Thursday (9/2/ 2023).

Anom assessed that so far 3M’s appeals had not been carried out by the community and were only limited to being an appeal. Meanwhile, the Balinese, he continued, tend to obey existing customary rules so that the presence of pararem regarding DHF will have a more massive positive impact.

“The question of how the sanctions will be handed over to each village,” said Anom.

Anom said that the Province of Bali will now apply wolbachia technology in handling DHF cases. Denpasar City and Buleleng Regency are pilot areas for wolbachia technology, considering that the number of cases in these areas is the highest.

Anom explained the number of dengue cases in January 2023 in Denpasar, namely 296, Buleleng 100, Jembrana 70, Tabanan 65, Badung 89, Gianyar 26, Bangli 17, Klungkung 95, Karangasem 23 and there were 2 cases of death.

“We will also develop early detection technology for areas where dengue will arise in collaboration with the BMKG. Later the 3 areas will be categorized as red, yellow and green,” he explained.

Later, said Anom, when an area is marked as a red zone, the Bali Health Office will carry out fogging at that location. Meanwhile, when the zone is green, it will make 3M effective because the zone indicates the presence of Aedes Aegypti mosquito eggs.

Then, when an area is marked as a yellow zone, it means the Health Office has to streamline 3M as well as fogging because in that area the Aedes Aegypti mosquito eggs have hatched and become adult mosquitoes.

“What is clear is that whatever technology we use without the participation of the community, (the effort) will fail. Because the most important thing is empowerment and community participation and this is not only for DHF but for any disease,” he added.

Watch VideoAtta Halilintar was rushed to the Gegara Dengue Hospital


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