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“DGP Media named most attractive employer in Belgium in 2023: Randstad Employer Brand Research”

Media group DPG Media is the most attractive employer in 2023, according to the 23rd edition of the Randstad Employer Brand Research. The biopharmaceutical company GSK also received an award.

Since 2000, Randstad has been researching the attractiveness of the largest employers in Belgium. This year, GSK (GlaxoSmithKline) and DPG Media are the most attractive. Of those who know the companies, 53 percent say they would like to work there very much. It is the first victory for DPG Media. GSK was already the winner four times before and with five victories becomes joint record holder, together with Janssen Pharmaceutica.

The survey also shows that private sector workers have never felt more secure than they do now. The historically low unemployment rate and the still enormous tightness on the labor market raise the perceived job security to a high level. On average, their own employer receives a score of more than 4 out of 5 for this, and this score has never been higher.

© Gregory van Gansen / Photo News

Job security, wages and working atmosphere

When asked which criteria are important in choosing an ideal employer, job security ranks joint second, after wages and benefits, and equal to working atmosphere and work-life balance. However, in times of boom in the labor market, the criterion tends to lose some importance, but this is not noticeable at the moment.

After job security, the location of the company is the most valued criterion of the own company. The increasing telework, driven by the corona crisis, has had no influence on this. The average employee is much less satisfied with the wages and benefits of their own employer. Only corporate social responsibility and future prospects score even lower.

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