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df: Florida is preparing for Hurricane Isaias – Panorama

Off the Florida coast, the storm should turn to the northeast and weaken. On Thursday, “Isaias”, a weaker tropical storm in the Caribbean US suburb of Puerto Rico, caused property damage and power outages.

The weather could also affect the return of two astronauts from the ISS. It was planned that Robert Behnken and Douglas Hurley would undock from the International Space Station on the night of Sunday (CEST) and land with a capsule in the ocean off Florida on Sunday. The two had launched with the “Space Dragon” developed by SpaceX from the Cape Canaveral spaceport in Florida in late May – after almost a nine-year hiatus, it was the first time that astronauts flew to the ISS from the United States and the first time that they had were funded by a private space company.

Last weekend, the first hurricane in the Atlantic hit the US coast in Texas this season, causing heavy rains. Like Florida, Texas is one of the US states that is currently particularly affected by the corona pandemic.

US meteorologists are expecting an above average hurricane season over the Atlantic this year. From June to the end of November, there could be up to ten hurricanes, including up to six very strong ones, the National Weather Service had announced at the end of May. There are an average of six hurricanes per year across the Atlantic, three of which are becoming storms of great magnitude.

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