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Dex’s Battle with Cancer: A Heartbreaking Story of Loss and Guilt

Dex (born June 9, 2015) died on January 20, 2017.

“Dex was a twin. He was born on June 9, 2015, together with his sister Zoë. It was our great happiness. I used to have cancer and first had all kinds of tests to make sure it was not hereditary. They also already had a healthy brother, Jayson, but I said I would never forgive myself if I passed on an illness so I got extra tested. The chance that they would get anything was 0.5% – zero. Doctors gave a ‘go’ for natural fertilization.

When they were ten months old, both were diagnosed with eye cancer. I was in disbelief and devastated. I felt very guilty and cried nonstop for days.

My husband and I had a lot of support for each other. We are childhood sweethearts, started dating when we were fourteen. He was my rock, but to deal with my guilt, I sought help.

It was an extra blow when we heard that Dex had metastases in his brain. From then on everything went quickly. He received his first chemo on December 1. He was given heavy medication, but it didn’t help. While his sister healed from cancer, Dex’s organs stopped working one by one. His little body could no longer cope. We had to say goodbye to him.

We put his sister on his bed. They had developed a twin language and she spoke to him in their own way. She pointed to a plane that flew by and gave him a kiss. “Bye Dex,” she said, still too young to realize that she would never see Dex again after that.

The sadness and powerlessness I felt was unbearable. How do you explain to a one and a half year old child that her twin brother has died? The following week she realized he was no longer there. We miss Dex very much. He was way too young to go.”

Kim PalmaccioOwn image MarschaSeptember 24, 2023, 9:00 AM

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