Home » today » News » Dewi Perssik satirizes hijab artists who are pregnant first, remind fans not to touch them

Dewi Perssik satirizes hijab artists who are pregnant first, remind fans not to touch them

WARTAKOTALIVE.COM, JAKARTA – Celebrity Dewi Perssik satirizes artists wearing hijabs who are said to have taken other people’s husbands until they got pregnant first.

Dewi Perssik satire wrote clearly on her Instagram on Saturday (3/6/2023).

The satire was conveyed by Dewi Perssik because the dangdut singer was annoyed with netizens who looked at her in one eye because she was not wearing a hijab.

Dewi Perssik admitted that she came to FYP on Tiktok because she was insulted by a celebrity idol who was called a veil.

Aldi Taher’s ex-wife admits that she is annoyed when compared to the veiled celebrity.

Dewi did not mention who the veiled artist was compared to by netizens.

However, said Dewi Perssik, the artist who was glorified by netizens was not as good as they thought.

Because the artist is known to have a dating style that overlaps with his appearance.

Even Dewi Perssik accused the woman of frequently locking her room when she was dating until she got pregnant first.

“But in my opinion, one who is pious is not only seen from the packaging and feels sacred, but seen from the overlapping dating styles, room keys, even being pregnant beforehand, I don’t know the original, yes, you only see the outside,” said Dewi Perssik quipped. .

Also read: Dewi Perssik’s ex-husband has been registered by the UN as the DPRD DKI Jakarta Legislator in the 2024 election

Even Dewi Perssik said that there are celebrities who wear hijab but in fact seduce other people’s husbands so that they take other people’s husbands.

Dewi Perssik also reminded netizens that in the world of entertainment like this everything is packaged including one’s piety.

Therefore, Dewi Persik asked celebrity fans not to compare her with her idol artist.

“There’s no need for other people’s ratings to be better than A and B, if you don’t know the real kitchen. I know but I was silent. The fans don’t have to poke fun at me, you’re not invited to gossip or compare them to me,” he quipped.

According to Dewi Perssik, celebrities are rising only because drama is now out of its era. But works that can make celebrities survive in the world of Indonesian entertainment.

“Let’s be positive… and pray for each other so that they become good, pious women, God’s version, not humans (netizens). Luckily, I’m mentally steel, so I can only pray for the best, hopefully your career will be like mine, amen… Have a nice weekend,” he concluded.

It is not known which singer wearing the hijab was insinuated by Dewi Persik. However, netizens suspect that this celebrity is the dangdut singer Lesti Kejora.

“Be patient.. from yesterday it turns out that the fans. laler to… wes mba depe Jarno ae.. focused on Sinau, the ambek group of teachers until ae gae staged Singapore. silenced them with achievements,” netizens wrote.

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