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developments expected on July 1 (Paris, Lyon, Grenoble, etc.)

For several months, and in particular the adoption of the Climate and Resilience Law, the zlow emission ones (or ZFE) spill a lot of ink. Where are we exactly? What are the territories already concerned and the expected developments ? A few days from a new deadlineit’s time to take stock.

Indeed, on July 1, a number of cities will change their system. Thus, in the territory of Grenoble Alps Metropolis, Crit’Air 3 utility vehicles and heavy goods vehicles will be prohibited from circulating within the defined perimeter, which, it should be remembered, concerns 27 municipalities. For the Greater Lyonit will be the turn of Crit’Air 5 and NC private vehicles, in addition to the ban on LCVs and PL Crit’Air 3 already in force.

For the EPZ of Rouen-Normandy, all Crit’Air 4, 5 and NC private vehicles were no longer to circulate on July 1, as were LCVs and HGVs of the same class, which have been banned since January. However, this deadline has been postponed, but only by two months, to come into force on September 1. Finally, regarding the Greater Pariswhere the ban on Crit’Air 3 cars inside the A86 motorway was expected in a few days, the city council decided to postpone this deadline to at least January 1, 2023.

here is a summary table low emission zones which will evolve very soon.

EPZ name Change as of July 1, 2022 Perimeter Number of vehicles concerned at the next deadline*
Paris and Greater Paris

Postponement of the ban on Crit’Air 3 vehicles to 2023.

79 municipalities, Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (except public holidays)

925,528 vehicles, including 83,052 LCVs.

Grenoble Alps Metropolis

Prohibition of Crit’Air 3 LCVs and HGVs.

27 municipalities, Monday to Sunday 24 hours a day.

10 257 VUL.

Greater Lyon

Ban on all Crit’Air 5 and NC vehicles, in addition to the LCV and HGV Crit’Air 3 ban already in force.

5 towns, Monday to Sunday 24 hours a day.

22,379 VP and 23,364 VUL.


The ban on all Crit’Air 4, 5 and NC private vehicles, in addition to Crit’Air 4, 5 and NC LCVs and HGVs belonging to legal entities, has been postponed to September 1, 2022.

12 municipalities, Monday to Sunday 24 hours a day.

36,469 passenger cars and light commercial vehicles.

*data from the site dataviz.statistiques.developpement-durable.gouv.fr not taking into account the natural renewal of the stock.

Aid… and penalties

To support individuals and professionals in this transition, subsidies are available locally. They add to the different national aid (ecological bonus, conversion bonus, etc.). About the sanctions incurred, for drivers (companies or individuals) who fail to comply with traffic restrictions, the offense is punishable by a fixed fine of 68 euros, 135 euros for heavy vehicles. The opposition of a vignette other than that corresponding to the characteristics of the vehicle is sanctioned with a class 4 fine (ie from 135 to 750 euros). In addition, such offenses may result in theimmobilization of the vehicle and its placement in the pound. And if until now, the repression of vehicles remained subordinated and limited to the observation by agents on the ground, faced with the low rate of verbalization, the observation of offenses can now intervene with or without interception, by video-verbalization and the automated control.

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