Diocese of Munster
The partnership between the Diocese of Münster and the five northern Ghanaian dioceses of Tamale, Yendi, Navrongo-Bolgatanga, Wa and Damongo is also a success story because many people in Ghana and Germany have been involved in the partnership work in the parishes and are still doing so . This is currently evident in Ghana. Munster Bishop Dr. On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the partnership, Felix Genn is visiting all five partner dioceses. An integral part of the program in each diocese is an exchange with the respective partnership committee. On February 15 Bishop Genn met the Navrongo-Bolgatanga Diocese Committee.
The Center for Child Development, where this boy is cared for, is a measure for abandoned children, which is carried out by the Diocese of Navrongo-Bolgatanga.
© Episcopal Press Office / Stephan Kronenburg
During the exchange, as before in Tamale and Yendi, the partnership representatives of the parishes reported on the diverse projects in educational work, pastoral care, the advancement of women, health work, help for the poor and excluded, economic development, water supply and in solar energy.
Bishop Genn made it clear that partnership requires mutual giving and receiving: “We can humbly learn from you what it means today to be a church in a multi-religious society. You also show us how cooperation in large parishes with many communities can be organized well. I am deeply grateful for your great commitment to the partnership work. Christianity is an educational religion. Development is the new name for peace. And there is only development through education,” the Bishop summed it up. He is confident that in 40 years the 80th anniversary of the partnership can be celebrated.
The Bishop of Navrongo-Bolgatanga, Alfred Agyenta, also agreed with Bishop Genn’s hope: “Africa is the spiritual lung of the world and has a lot to give to the world,” he said. The dioceses of northern Ghana felt encouraged in their partnership work by Bishop Genn’s visit and looked forward to another real partnership of give and take.
Info: In the coming days Bishop Genn will meet with the twinning committees of the Diocese of Wa and Damongo. In the diocese of Münster, people in more than 35 parishes and institutions are currently involved in the partnership work with the northern Ghanaian dioceses. Their efforts to establish friendly relationships with parishes in northern Ghana aim to share faith experiences, discover each other’s cultures and participate in the lives of others. These partnerships at community level are the living basis of the diocese partnership with the northern Ghanaian partner dioceses.
Stephan Kronenburg
Caption above: Bishop Felix Genn and Bishop of Navrongo-Bolgatanga Alfred Agenta stand by the partnership tree planted in 2017. Photo: Episcopal press office / Stephan Kronenburg