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Development model: media entertainment … Prof. ABTREDANO



Pr. Abdelmourhit Benmessaoud TREDANO

Professor of political science and geopolitics

Mohamed V University

A real media and political carousel has imposed itself surreptitiously and insidiously in the Moroccan arena!

Not everyone talks or swears about the new development model.

The mobilization and agitation are such that even the Corona has been dethroned from its first place.

What can we say about this media circus?

Not much !

In terms of substance, many specialists have stuck with the 170 pages and appendices of this document.

To say what ?

There is unanimity on the diagnosis.

Some nuances, even divergences, for some and, let’s say it, oppositions and a real rejection for others on the alternatives.

What can we conclude from this?

On the method, it almost recalls the conditions of creation of the commission which was responsible for preparing the draft constitution of 2011.

Nothing new under the sun.

Basically, we pretend not to know the real situation that prevails in Morocco.

You don’t name things by their name. We act as if …!

In 2017, the verdict was pronounced by the king himself on the bankruptcy of the Moroccan “model”.

Two years to set up a tailor-made commission. Two more years to lay a document.

Suffice to say that at this rate the overall reform of the system is postponed until Greek calendars !!

The basic question is fundamentally political. Obviously the committee does not breathe a word.

So what is it all about?

A real media operation !! Another diversion!

A real Harka.

It is reminiscent, with some differences in the thematic nature and the chief entertainer, of the fun, forgiveness, sanitation campaign of 1995

Moulay Yazid reportedly told a Polish explorer Jean Potocki the following:

“People are like rats in a cage, they must be constantly agitated to prevent them from making holes”

The British writer wrote an essay how premonitory, already in 1932, entitled “Brave New World” which recalls the methods used by the rulers for the formatting of the multitude.

In 1939, the Russian scientist and psycho-sociologist Serge Tchakhotine in his famous work “The Rape of the Crowds by Political Propaganda” more or less abounds in the world.

The American Noam Chomsky, for his part, in “The fabrication of consent” makes a real indictment on media propaganda in politics.

As for me, I persist and I sign by taking an excerpt from an article published last August:

I live in a country where …

“I live in a country which has all the appearances of a functioning State, where security is at least” assured “, where construction sites are generalized, where the telephone works, where the train, chugging, takes you to destination.

At least for the Moroccan citizen who lies to himself or the uninformed visitor or the tourist who does not leave his bus or his hotel…. The reality is different.

Concrete has never made a development and rags a civilization !!

Some may be tempted to think that the words which follow express the feeling of a septuagenarian who is won by nostalgia, even annoyed and totally disconnected from the reality of the country.

Perhaps !!

I hope I am wrong. “

For the full article see the following link:


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