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Development Bybanen, Bicycle | Uninvited guests broke into the unopened monster deck

The controversial Fløen Cycle Bridge, which is located at the end of the Lungegårdsvannet Store, has been completed. But the huge NOK 75 million building has not yet been opened to the public.

Uninvited guests don’t seem to mind. Over the weekend, someone opened the yard fences.

– The construction fence is probably open from Saturday. Someone entered and left the gate open, so that it was possible to enter the bridge, confirms communication manager Ronny Turøy in Bybanen Utbygging in BA.

The light rail line to Fyllingsdalen opens on 21 November.

In the Facebook group “Cycling in Bergen” several cyclists apparently thought the road had been paved and posted photos and videos of the route. Several tell of their first experience with the cycle path.

“I should have checked the thread here before posting full of optimism this morning,” writes one group member.

E39 was also “stuffy”

– What could be the reason for breaking into the construction site?

– It’s clearly tempting to try something that looks finished, before it’s been opened. We have no idea how many people have been inside the construction fences, or who did this, says Turøy.

Emphasize that there are no dangerous objects or points on the bridge that pose a danger to life and health.

Stunt testing on new roads is not a new exercise. At the end of August, it became known that unauthorized people on roller skates had entered the new E39 Svegatjørn-Rådal. The tunnels are equipped with surveillance cameras, and the culprits have been photographed.

The Swedish Road Administration feared that the accident could lead to a delay in the opening of the motorway, but fortunately this did not happen.

In the aftermath of the incident, the skaters took to the media, stood down and apologised.

Cyclists have priority

The Swedish Road Administration owns the lower part of the bridge, which is classified as a main bicycle road. The municipality of Bergen at Bymiljøetaten owns the upper part towards Fløenbakken.

– The general message to the public is that our facilities will open when fully finished. You never know what you’ll encounter on the other side of a construction fence. We look forward to opening the bike bridge as soon as possible. We have taken our part and have a fair dialogue with the Norwegian Road Administration, which owns the lower section, informs Department Head Tord Honne Holgernes of the Urban Environment Agency.

The 475-metre-long cycle tunnel from Kronstad towards Møllendal will open in spring 2023. So cyclists descending towards Fløen will have to give way to the new main cycle road.

Promises will open soon

Bybanen said no one was injured as a result of the illegal activity on the cycle bridge.

Most Bergen residents will likely be able to use the bridge legally within days.

– The final opening date of the bridge has not yet been set, but we hope it will already be Thursday this week. So far we have closed and stripped the fence. We are unlikely to report the incident to the police, says Turøy in Bybanen Utbygging.

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