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Developing Quantum Dots Material for Future Applications: Market Growth and Research Challenges

Prof. Iskandar Ferry presented a material entitled “Development of Quantum Dots Material and its Application in the Future”. Quantum dots are dimensionless quasi-materials that are nanometers in size and have unique properties that arise as a result of quantum phenomena/effects. The development of quantum dots began in the 1980s when a researcher named Aleksey Ekimov made semiconductor quantum dots in glass matrix. So far, the use of quantum dots has been commonly found in fields nanomedicinecommunication, electronics, energy, to catalysis.

“The specific properties of quantum dots can be changed by changing the size, shape, bonding structure, or the type of material so that this can be applied in several areas,” said Prof. Ferry.

The very wide application gives rise to a huge market opportunity for quantum dot materials. In 2023, the value of the market will reach $5.69 billion and it is expected to increase to $16.59 in 2030. The largest markets for this material are spread across Asia Pacific, Europe and North America.

At ITB itself, research on quantum dots is carried out under the Energy and Environmental Materials Laboratory (E2M Lab). Various applications of quantum dots are being developed including medical devices, optoelectronics, solar harvesting, energy storage and security.

“Global quantum dots market dynamics are driven by their applications in display devices, medical devices, solar cloud, and many more. “The obstacle itself is that implementation is not very fast in business because the cost of the technology is still relatively high and the prices of existing technology products are low,” he said.

Prof. Aiseag said that Indonesia has a good opportunity to play a major role in the development of quantum dots because it has abundant natural resources as raw material for quantum dots. In addition, it is said that the development of the Asia Pacific market share is capable of encouraging more innovation and research in this area. Despite that, according to Prof. There are a number of challenges that need to be addressed, including the dynamic direction of quantum dot research, national research resources that are still lacking, as well as the need for greater collaboration and cooperation between researchers and between researchers and researchers. stakeholder others at different levels.

At the same time, Dr. Veinardi Suendo explained “The Role of Molecular Spectroscopy in the Development of Advanced Materials”. He said that spectroscopy is a method that researchers use to monitor small research objects at the molecular and atomic level with the help of light spectrum. Spectroscopy works by looking at the interaction between matter and light on molecules. The interaction between the two can give different answers so that this answer can be used later to determine what happened to the molecule.

“Spectroscopy can reveal what is inside a molecule, because once light interacts with a molecule or substance, it can excite it electronically or at a rotational vibration level, so we can see the reaction of the excitation center inside it,” he said. said.

Advances in the field of molecular spectroscopy are one of the keys to the development of advanced materials research. Therefore, it is necessary to continue research in the field of spectroscopy to continue developing advanced materials that are increasingly complex. The development of the field of molecular spectroscopy can be done not only by research groups, but also by different companies start up as well as cooperation centers. Cross-disciplinary collaboration is also needed to create national independence in the field of molecular spectroscopy to master several new technologies in the future.

Reporter: Hanifa Juliana (Regional and City Planning, 2020)

2024-04-29 04:00:15
#Future #Science #Technology #Discussion #Quantum #dot #molecular #spectroscopy #research #advanced #materials #development

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