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Developing a city like New York per month, the global architectural challenge

Despite the covid-19 pandemic, geopolitical conflicts and economic problems, global population growth does not stop, and hand in hand with this, comes the development of cities and infrastructure to satisfy the needs of the inhabitants.

At present, planet Earth is occupied by a total of 8,000 million people, of which 50% live in cities.

According to Anel Suárez, manager of Corporate Communication at Holcim Mexico, by 2050, the population is expected to rise to 10,000 million humans; Continuing with the current trend, 6,500 million would settle in urbanized territories.

Suárez stressed that, to attend to this volume of inhabitants, it is estimated that the area where new works will begin will have to double in 2060, so that the equivalent of a city the size of New York will be built in the next 40 years. a month.

Although construction becomes a key sector to provide housing and infrastructure, the Holcim spokesperson stressed that This growth represents a challenge for architects and builders, especially due to the environmental impact of the real estate sector.

That is why the specialist remarked that it is necessary to innovate and find new ways to develop projects, since this industry emits 40% of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and consumes more than 30% of energy globally.

“It is important that developer companies pursue the goal of reducing energy consumption and waste production. Population growth generates the need to create progress, but innovations must be sought to have larger and more sustainable cities”, commented Suárez.

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