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Developers Confirmed Phase Zero ETH 2.0 Launch This Year Amid Testnet Problems

The failure in the final testnet of Ethereum 2.0, called Medalla, will not affect the timing of the launch of the zero phase of the second version of the protocol on the main network. This was reported in blog Prysmatic Labs is its editor, Raoul Jordan.

The Medalla problem arose on August 14th. Prysm’s third-party service Cloudflare changed its internal time by approximately four hours. This affected the activities of validators, who began to release blocks earlier than the allotted time, and were also unable to collect rewards anymore. As a result, the test blockchain split up into four chains that could not adequately interact with each other due to the time difference.

17 August Prysmatic Labs developers eliminated a critical bug in the Medalla Testnet 2.0 client that made it impossible for the network to function normally.

“It became a real massacre. More than 3000 cases of “logging out” of validators within a short period of time. We didn’t set up local clipping protection in time, ”Jordan explained.

Competitors, in particular from Bitcoin SV on the CoinGeek blog, reacted to the testnet crash. They said that the events of August 14 indicate unpreparedness Ethereum 2.0 to launch and new delays. In their opinion, this can become a serious challenge for developers against the background of the problems of the current network.

Jordan noted that for the Ethereum team, the Medalla crash was a good lesson “to prevent this happening on the mainnet.” According to him, the consequences of similar problems on the mainnet, where cryptocurrency costs real money, would be catastrophic.

The editor of Prysmatic Labs noted that the system of synchronizing the time of nodes through the server initially seemed to be a good solution. Subsequently, it turned out that it became a single point of failure, which led to the inoperability of the entire network. As a result, the team concluded and from now on will only rely on the system time.

Jordan has denied speculation that Medalla’s testnet is “dead.” At the time of writing this blog post, the share of validators has increased from 0-5% to 40%. For finalization, it is necessary that the indicator exceeds 66%.

“We believe that Medalla’s expected genesis block launch target in 2-3 months is still an ideal benchmark. We will present a public list of requirements to get ETH2 operational. The Medalla incident will definitely add new items to the list that relate to the stability and safety of the client, ”said Jordan.

Recall, the creator of the wallet MyEtherWallet (MEW) Kosala Hemachandra suggestedthat the full-scale version of the second version of the Ethereum protocol should be expected no earlier than 2022. He is confident in launching phase 0 of the project by the end of this year.

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