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Devanesa: The Rising Star of Lebanon’s Music Scene

Devanesa to Asharq Al-Awsat: “Beirut” is the name of my new piece… so wait for it

When the Lebanese violinist Divanisa first appeared on stage holding her instrument and playing it professionally in 2009, she was the first female model to master a male instrument with distinction in the Arab world. After that, she repeated the rosary to become the most famous violinist in Lebanon and the Arab world.

Vanessa Abdo Nassar, is her real name. I was born in Canada and raised in Lebanon. Since her childhood, her family has touched her artistic talent. She studied Western music, to refine it later with other lessons of Eastern music.

Her music is a mixture of East and West, and she has printed her pieces that she composed herself. She is currently preparing to release the song “Beirut” to dedicate it to a city she loves and means a lot to. She toured the capitals and gave concerts in Arab and European countries. As for Beirut; So I kept carrying the great love for her and thought of honoring her through this piece.

Devanesa is preparing to release her song “Beirut” (sourced from Devanesa)

She tells Asharq Al-Awsat that for her, the violin is an integral part of her life. And she continues, “She is my constant friend, and when I bow my head to her, I feel as if I own the world. There is no description of her status to me, as she represents all my success and fame.

Daphnessa considers herself the first to open the door to playing violin music in Lebanon and the Arab world, commenting: “I am happy that I entered this door wide and paved the way for many women after me.”

We remember when she appeared for the first time in a video clip with the late director Yahya Saadeh in 2010: “You were still young. On that day, people marveled at a girl playing the violin, so it was strange for them. I was adopted by Music Is My Life; Because she was convinced of my talent. So I held my hand, and after that I launched into the world of music through its wide door.

Devanessa takes into account different artistic elements when she stands on stage… “These elements are attached to the place and the time in which I am standing. So I prepare special music that resembles the country in which I am performing the ceremony. I also dress appropriately for her; Because every country has its own.

DeVanessa paved the way for the rest of the female violinists. (Source: DeVanesa)

She says that when she started studying music at the University of the Holy Spirit in Kaslik, she got acquainted with the music of world geniuses such as Beethoven and Bach, “and then we start with lessons on oriental music. I was impressed by the musicians Jihad Akl and Abboud Abdel-Al; I was affected by the great sense that Abdel-Al possesses when he plays. Among the international musicians who caught my attention: Samvel Yarvinian, who plays with musician Yeni.

Among the musical compositions beloved to her heart are those that she dedicated to singer Talal Maddah, and she explains to Al-Sharq Al-Awsat: “I chose the song (My Beloved Country) at that time and played it in my own way, in what we call (Kover), and it received a great response from the people of Saudi Arabia and the Arab Gulf.”

Defanesa was late in returning to the scene again. He justified: “We all went through a state of stagnation imposed on us by the pandemic and the crises in Lebanon… I do not need anyone to support or finance me, and the reasons for my absence are not material at all; In contrast; I was studying meticulously for a comeback I wanted to be different, so I looked for new ideas so as not to repeat myself. Now is the time to go back; And I will start it with (Beirut’s) recital.”

And about her newness, she says: “There are a group of pieces that I am thinking of filming some of them (video clips), and I will color them with advanced artistic elements, so I rely on my voice at times, and at other times a new mixture of western and eastern music. I will not attack anyone by including my voice in my works, and I do not intend to become a singer. It’s just that sound gets people to interact more. Playing the violin will remain the main and essential element.”

Devanesa does not join the music that is being promoted on the scene without studying each of her steps… She says: “I prefer to present something similar to me; Do not join the trend. For example, some joined the music (Al-Ghazala Raiqah), and tried to imitate it, but they did not succeed, so it is better for the musician to do something similar. Because each of us has his own identity and he must preserve it.

Her music and playing are similar to her and clearly indicate her personality… “I cannot speak for myself or describe my personality, I may exaggerate or make mistakes. But when I say my music is like me, I mean it is just as honest and emotional as I am.”

Divanessa owns a large collection of violins. Some of it you followed to the end of the world to get it, “and some of it you bought; For its long history and the important meanings it holds for me. These instruments are of great value to me, incomparable to the treasures of the world, and I cannot sell them or dispense with them; Despite the many offers I receive in this regard.

Owns a priceless collection of violins (sourced from Devanesa)

Among the instruments that she keeps for a special memory, she says: “The first violin I played was made of wood; Black, Sandivaris, even great professors liked it, but I won’t sell it.’

All the instruments you own are made of wood, and their value varies according to how they are made, and the sound they make; «There is a group that I am afraid to carry with me when traveling for fear of losing it. Its importance lies in its wonderful sounds, which are comparable in beauty to electronic ones.”

And about the star artist that you might choose one day to stand with him on stage; She concludes, “I think that Caesar’s style of Arabic singing, Kazem El Saher, suits my playing, as well as Marwan Khoury and Elisa.”

2023-08-18 11:31:15
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