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Detroit will debut a parking lot with 100% autonomous charging for electric cars – Technology – Hybrids and Electric

Detroit Smart Parking Lab (DSPL), this is the name of the first test space where tests will be carried out on the future autonomous technology for electric cars. The idea is to create a space that allows the remote parking and charging of tomorrow’s electric cars to be simulated in real conditions.

We all imagine that moment where we do not have the anxiety of having to find a place to leave the car. We’ve all been through that bad drink, and it could be years numbered. Autonomous driving will solve the problem, but not only cars have to be able to drive themselves, parking infrastructures must also be present, and for that the Smart Parking Lab in Detroit was born.

It is a collaboration between Ford, Bedrock and Bosch. Three well-known companies that hope to work together to bring technologies to fruition, systems and infrastructure that allow cars to park and charge themselves without the supervision of a human. The facilities have been provided by the State of Michigan, which has joined the project, thus making this car park the first of its kind in the world.

Smart Parking Lab.

As we have already said, for the moment it consists solely of a test space. A safe environment adapted to the real world where to implement the technologies. There is nothing defined at the moment, nothing raised about how it will work, and that is the grace of this test laboratory. Those involved in the project hope to develop various technologies, test them and see which are the most functional for export to the real world.

The original idea is to create a car park where the driver leaves his electric car at the entrance and it drives himself to his resting place and starts recharging operations. Transport platforms, remote ports, wireless loads … Many elements to test and develop.

All those involved in the project are delighted with the space provided as it represents an idyllic environment for the development of technologies. Craig Stephens, Ford’s Director of Automated Controls and Systems, commented: “The Detroit Smart Parking Lab will help us collaborate with other innovators on even better solutions to make parking easier so that it doesn’t ruin a night out.”

The truth is that it is not the first time we have seen something like this. Several models already offer autonomous valet technologies, such as the Tesla or the more modern Mercedes S-Class. However, not all the cars of the future will have the same autonomous capabilities, and that is why this project has been carried out, to find solutions that work for everyone, regardless of their technologies or systems.

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