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deteriorated health, enormous fatigue, the presenter completely cracks

Jean-Luc Reichmann, his health is deteriorating! He experiences immense fatigue, and the presenter cracks. The host of the “Twelve strokes of noon” has resumed for a few days, the path of the studios to finally offer viewers new programs from his TF1 lunchtime meeting. After this too long period of absence, Nathalie Lecoultre’s husband was initially very happy to find the studios of Plaine Saint-Denis in order to welcome the noon master and his new challengers.

Recordings which obviously by force of events do not take place as usual, since exceptional measures are put in place for the safety of technicians, candidates and of course the animator himself. Measuring safety distances and wearing a mandatory mask are obviously essential on the set. If we add to that, other precautions such as a different management of the entry and exit of teams on the set, the mandatory presence of hydro-alcoholic gel and the almost permanent disinfection of facilities, it is easy to imagine that this is not done without stress. In addition to all this particular logistics, it is also the pace of work that has changed.

As if to make up for lost time, and in order to quickly offer as many programs as possible available to the management of TF1, the “Twelve noon noon” teams have embarked on a veritable marathon. In an interview, that Jean-Luc Reichmann granted Télé 7 Jours a few hours ago, the host confided in the difficulties he had to face. “You have to inject a lot of energy. I really have to stay focused, knowing that on Monday, May 11, we shot from 9 a.m. to midnight to box 5 shows, and deliver a brand new 10 a.m. on Tuesday 12! We resumed the recordings in total discomfort, but if we don’t adapt, we disappear. This is the rule, “confided the host, visibly exhausted by the pace of sustained work. Apparently, completely exhausted by the filming of the shows that resumed on the wheel caps, Jean-Luc Reichmann appeared very tired.

It must be admitted that even if the confinement was for some, a period of withdrawal from professional life, the days of Jean-Luc Reichmann during this forced quarantine was not really a vacation. Between the preparation of the new episodes of “Léo Mattéi brigade des mineurs” on which he works with his wife Nathalie Lecoultre and the finalization of the sale of his production company to Endemol, Jean-Luc Reichmann had indeed some work to do.

If we add to that, the education of a tribe of six children and the health problems of his mother who have greatly distressed him in recent weeks, we can easily understand that the star presenter of TF1 is not at best. its shape. It was therefore visibly weakened that the host had appeared in recent days, and some worried about his state of health, and his ability to cope with events. Physical or psychological fatigue, fans of the show have indeed asked themselves a lot of questions.

The declarations of the interested party were therefore eagerly awaited by the fans of the presenter and they were not long in coming. Although appearing on the screen the features drawn the presenter of “Twelve noon shots” wanted to be reassuring to the viewers. Despite this drop in regime, Jean-Luc Reichmann decided not to let go and return to his show with new ideas in order to revitalize the program, which in the absence of the public has lost a little bit of its soul.

In the interview he recently gave, the host let it be known that he had an idea in mind that could certainly please fans of the show : “We tend to see a little more about social distancing measures, to see what can and cannot be done. I would like to organize an event bringing together a maximum of winners of the game since its inception, a real party not a wet firecracker. But I prefer to wait rather than leave on something that would not be completed ”. It is likely that such an initiative, if it could be carried out, would certainly be a big success as the attachment of the viewers to the champions is strong.

Jean-Luc Reichmann therefore reassured those who were worried about the host who proved that he still had several projects in mind and all his vitality to carry them out. These little concerns about the health of the 60-year-old presenter remind us that no one is immune to a little bit of fatigue and that health is by far the most precious asset we have. Unfortunately, these last few weeks have brought us to order in our lives, to prove to us that the disease can occur every day. hit at our door. If today the broadcasts have almost resumed their normal course, they still do not take place in the best conditions, but obviously the public was impatiently awaiting the return of Jean-Luc Reichmann, happy to find for more than 10 years already, the ” midfielder of TF1.

The announcement of the big news should also ensure good audiences for the game in the coming days, as there are reports that the incumbent champion Eric, record holder, has been eliminated from the show. Present since December 2019, the Breton native, become a real star, would live his last hours in the “Twelve noon shots”. It is therefore with great impatience that viewers of the famous game, very happy to find their program for a few days, await the outcome of a plot that keeps them going. Information or fake news, only Jean-Luc Reichmann knows the truth to date, and the host will therefore live moments full of twists and turns, like the fans of the show. The new champion will therefore probably leave the “Twelve strokes of noon”, after seven months of presence, amputated, it is true of a few weeks of absence due to confinement. Following the next episode!

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