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Destiny 2: “You’re not ready” for what happens – News

Bungie is planning the new season of Destiny 2, which will be a prologue to the next expansion. And this seems to prepare us for the worst.

We were talking about it A few days : Bungie will significantly review the way he tells the story of his cooperative FPS franchise. The studio has indeed announced that it is planned to offer better script interconnection, with a little more concrete for fans of the universe.

This work, which should only be clearly carried out from season 12 (September> November 2020), should nevertheless start in season 11, the launch of which is expected on June 9. This should indeed be used to prepare players for the third expansion of Destiny 2, while already signing the return of Darkness. The main antagonist of the game world and humanity had first been put aside by Bungie under pressure from Activision – the publisher wishing to make the title more accessible, before finally coming back in force to favor the divorce between the two parties and the exit from the Bastion of Shadows extension.

If since Shadow Bastion, the Darkness has been discreet, it remains no less threatening. In the Season of the Worthy, humanity is preparing for their imminent arrival, and the bunkers set up for the occasion testify to their progress. Visible in the Seraphite of the Moon bunker, the advance of the enemy reaches a significant point: Neptune. When it reaches Jupiter – probably between May 12 and May 19, a new cutscene already datamined by players, will come into play:

Whether Darkness arrives or not, Bungie intends to upset his universe enough, as evidenced by the warning message left by Luke Smith, the executive producer of Destiny 2:

You are not ready

According to various rumors and leaks, the next expansion would take place on a Earth damaged by Darkness, and where the Guardians would have a hard time finding a little Light. First elements of answers: early June.

By saw-the-wine, Administrator jeuxvideo.com


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