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Destiny 2 listens to criticism

Before the trials were due to return, there was also Destiny 2 a lot of fuss and criticism around the seasonal artifact. Many feared that it could destroy the balance of the PvP format after a short time, an outcry went through the community. Now Bungie has responded to the feedback.

Why the outcry? after the Return of trials officially announced recently was came numerous new details to the revised mode to light.

Among other things, it became known that power level benefits will be active in the trials. Players with higher power levels would deal more damage and take more damage from weaker keepers.

In addition, Bungie then announced that the bonus power levels of the seasonal artifact will also be active in the trials. This led to a wave of indignation. Many saw the balance in the trials in danger after a short time. Some condemned the format to die before it started on March 13.

You can read what exactly is so problematic about the artifact here: Destiny 2: Players fear artifact could destroy trials – that’s what Bungie says

This is how Bungie reacts to the criticism: Although Bungie recently stated that while the concerns were aware of the fact that the artifact would be active in the trials, the criticism now caused a rethink.

Destiny chief Luke Smith spoke on Twitter, saying: The artifact will be disabled for PvP activities that involve power level benefits, such as trials and the iron banner, until Bungie on Can implement power cap feature.

This cap should make it possible to link the regular and the artifact hunt for power with each other and to prevent an infinite increase in power in PvP.

Incidentally, as Community Manager Cozmo made clear, the deactivation only refers to the additional power. Seasonal artifact mods will remain active.

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Here’s what the players are saying: Numerous keepers are delighted and cheer this decision on Reddit and on social media. Many had requested deactivation of the artifact or at least a level cap for the trials. That’s exactly what you got now.

After the anticipation of the trials was initially taken away by the confirmation of the active artifact power, the players are now really looking forward to the upcoming tests. Even with the fact that the artifact mods stay active, numerous Guardians can live, even if it’s not an optimal solution.

Bungie’s quick reaction is particularly praised by the community. It was important to many that this problem was solved before the trials started, even if only a few would have expected it.

Some jokingly say they didn’t expect a response within the next six months and are now almost in shock. Others say this is a very rare example that Bungie can actually listen to the players. You should enjoy the moment, there shouldn’t be many of them.

What do you think of this decision? Does that change your view of the trials?

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