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Despite the corona pandemic, increasing business figures for the Kreissparkasse Miesbach-Tegernsee – Tegernseerstimme

The challenges of the past year could not be foreseen for any company. The Kreissparkasse Miesbach-Tegernsee was also faced with decisions that had to be made quickly but carefully in order to ensure business operations as well as the supply of cash and credit for the district and its citizens and thus strengthen the profitability of the region, despite the pandemic and receive. The business figures developed positively. Marked by the Corona crisis, significantly stronger growth in the lending business compared to the previous year is visible.

“This shows that our customers and the provision of sufficient credit are our top priority. The pandemic has also shown how quickly and flexibly we can react to new circumstances in our Sparkasse. We were able to create over 150 flexible workplaces in a very short time, so that the employees could and can work from home. We have been dealing with the topic of “New Normal and New Work” in the internal transformation management of the Kreissparkasse since 2017, which also includes the “flexible working” project. The project was ready for implementation even before the pandemic and has given us a good head start, ”explained Martin Mihalovits in a press conference. “Last year, it became clear to many why an independent savings bank is so important for our district. We have helped our regional companies and customers through the difficult times with all means and with great commitment and the Corona Foundation has also supported organizations and associations in the social area, true to the motto “Mia help zam for the district”.

The annual surplus after taxes was approx. Two million euros.

Kreissparkasse Miesbach-Tegernsee in numbers 2020

As the largest credit institute in the district, the Kreissparkasse looks after around 50,600 customers in 14 branches with around 60 ATMs.

In 2020, 309 employees (actively employed), including 13 trainees, worked at the Kreissparkasse.

In September 2021, the Kreissparkasse welcomes 5 new trainees. As of December 31, 2020, the balance sheet total was EUR 2.24 billion, an increase of around 14%. The net profit for the year amounted to EUR 1.97 million. The amount of loans to customers on the reporting date was EUR 1.57 billion, an increase of more than 18% compared to the previous year. The deposits amounted to 1.81 billion euros at the end of 2020, an increase of approx. 11.7%.

In the donation area, the Kreissparkasse donated a total of 240,000 euros for charitable purposes in 2020.

The Sparkassenstiftung was able to generate over 25,000 euros in donations through its Corona campaign and thus support 14 projects in the Miesbach district.

Stefan Schlipf, board member and Dr. Martin Mihalovits, CEO of the Kreissparkasse Miesbach-Tegernsee

Looking back at 2020

Last year, in addition to challenges such as the phase of low interest rates, changed customer behavior and increasing regulations, the focus was also on the Corona crisis. For the Kreissparkasse, maintaining business operations, securing the jobs of its employees and also providing intensive support for customers affected by the pandemic were the top priorities. “The year 2020 brought about a huge boost for internal digitization but also for the digital affinity of our customers. Never before have so many customers used online banking or handled small matters conveniently over the phone. That helped us a lot during the stressful times and also gave the customer the opportunity to do a lot of things safely, quickly and without contact, ”said Martin Mihalovits. “For us there were also many disadvantages due to the contact restrictions, the lockdowns and the temporary branch closings.” The branch of the future was only opened in December 2019 and a short time later the planned events and lectures in the Holzkirchen branch could not be implemented. “This branch thrives on encounters, networking and exchange,” he emphasized. The FIT Forum 2020 was also postponed by the Kreissparkasse to June 10, 2021, because at that time it was not yet clear what face-to-face events would look like in autumn 2020. “A very wise decision, as it turned out in retrospect. For a long time we weren’t sure how to design the FIT Forum 2021 and had hoped for a hybrid version. At that time we didn’t know how Corona would still lure us out of the reserve a year later, “smiled Mihalovits.

Customer proximity remains important for the Kreissparkasse Miesbach-Tegernsee despite digitalization

The online offer of the Kreissparkasse Miesbach-Tegernsee continues to grow. For example, appointments can now be made online with the on-site advisor, online banking users can easily submit their tax returns via the banking access or pay conveniently when shopping with Apple Pay and the savings bank card (bank card). An installment loan or a new checking account are no longer only possible in the branches, they can also be taken out securely and easily by the customer himself on the Internet.

“We are noticing that, despite the acceleration and also the increasing digital affinity of our customers, personal contact when it comes to the sensitive topic of finances is indispensable and is still used and appreciated by young customers.” explained Mihalovits.

Especially when important decisions in the life of the customer are pending, the offer of individual and personal advice would be heavily used. Be it the decision of self-employment, loans for your own home or investments that you initially like to make with accompaniment, customers appreciate the on-site support and the individual solutions for their private needs. “Many service activities such as inserting a transfer form or inquiring about the pension receipt are done less or by our older customers over the phone,” says Mihalovits.

But that does not mean that the Kreissparkasse will close its branches in the next few years. “On the contrary!” Contradicts Mihalovits. “We are considering how we can use our buildings for our consultations and at the same time offer the communities added value in terms of sustainable and responsible corporate management or even strengthen the community’s infrastructure. In Bad Wiessee we are already making the start this year. Here our Sparkasse branch will continue to exist in the center of the village and something will be created for the citizens that was previously missing in the community, ”announced Mihalovits.

In 2020, the number of online banking access increased to 40,500 and phone calls to customer service increased by around 30% to 94,120 calls per year.

New strategy for the innovation conference for the Oberland

How can a networking event in digital format succeed? That is what the Kreissparkasse Miesbach-Tegernsee asked itself. In 2020 the innovation conference for the Oberland had to be postponed. Recently, on June 10, 2021, this took place in digital format. Over 60 speakers in 14 panels and interviews dealt with the topics of “Living in the Region”, “Changing Tourism”, “Smart Valley” and “New Work and Talents” with the aspect of the “New Normal” and corporate responsibility. The Kreissparkasse invited every county citizen to do so. Those who could not take part in the FIT Forum themselves can look forward to the recorded content on the website www.fitforum.org.

“Only the interaction is of course no longer possible afterwards. There was a lot of discussion in the chats and the participants were able to exchange ideas and get to know each other in small breakout rooms, ”emphasized Mihalovits. How the series of events will take place next year has not yet been finally decided. But that there is a sequel. “We make the event for our livable and lovable district, for the citizens and for the future of the region. We see this as our task and we want to make our network, our know-how and our commitment available and hope that the FIT Forum 2022 will be so positively and happily accepted next year. “

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