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Despite the corona crisis: Tesla can lay the foundation for the Giga factory

Brandenburg gives Tesla the green light to lay the first foundations for the factory southeast of Berlin. The state government announced that the environmental impact had been thoroughly examined beforehand.

US electric car maker Tesla can start another stage in preparation for the construction of the first factory in Europe. The Brandenburg State Office for the Environment granted approval for foundation work, as spokesman for the Ministry of the Environment, Sebastian Arnold, announced in Potsdam. For example, the construction of flat foundations, pipelines and supports as well as the construction of construction pits are possible. Tesla can also use it to improve the underground and build an area for loading and unloading materials that are delivered by rail.

Tesla plans to manufacture around 500,000 electric cars a year in Grünheide near Berlin. Because an environmental permit in Brandenburg has not yet been completed, the company carries out the preparations on the site at its own risk. Previously, Tesla had applied to clear around 90 hectares of forest ahead of time and then level the ground.

Drinking water protection allegedly granted

Conservationists fear, among other things, negative consequences for the environment and water supply. They had called for the construction of the factory to be stopped. Looking at the green light for the foundation work, the ministry spokesman said: “The approval was preceded by an in-depth assessment of the environmental impact.” For example, the protection of groundwater in the drinking water protection area and requirements to protect the neighborhood from unacceptable noise were taken into account during the construction phase.

Criticism of conservationists had also met that Tesla had started staking on May 14th. Opponents of Tesla had criticized that the piles would enter the groundwater layer and thus interfere with the water flow. According to the Ministry of the Environment, the so-called pile test loads were initially stopped because the lower water authority was not approved. But this is now available. According to information from the ministry, more than 370 objections were received against the factory’s project.

An appointment to discuss objections was initially canceled due to the Corona crisis, a new appointment has not yet been set. Tesla wants to change its earlier application for approval according to the state government – for example with the plan for a lower water consumption than initially stated.

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