news that is in development.If you receive more details, I willWe will take we return with mepartner íctor javiersolano, who is inqueens. our communitiesare among the most impacted bythe blow of inflation, butthere are also resourcesavailable. you have a guestíctor: not onlytemperatures are highalso losindices ofinflation, as we haveinformed.we have come to queens to drinkthe thermometer to this situation.I’m with Councilman Franciscomoya, who am I going toask him what is he talking aboutadriana, the resources you havecommunity available atdifferent areas to take awaybetter this situation of thehigh cost of living prices>> we see that it is a violationglobal and is affecting us inqueens and crown communities.we see that we have toprovide information and resourcesto help tenants whothey may be suffering fromeviction in the budget thatwe have done this past month,wings of 1,000,000 pots inservices for anytenant in new york, noimport your immigration status,they can apply forassistance, if they are havinga situation that canget out of their apartments.we also have differentinformation areas, they can goto resources on the website ofthe mayor and the city ofnew York.íctor: on the topic ofstudents, of the minorscan receive foodthose summer programs.>> there are still many people whois suffering from resourceswho have not come andfood in each schoolnew York. one can receivefood and assistancemornings during the day. Yesare under 18 years old and ifrelatives, who depend on thatmoney we sendíctor: adriana, someeconomists used to sayresfía, to the feet ofCentral America gives them pneumonia.that may be the situationreflects and has spread toour entire region.we wanted to feel the situation inqueens on the state of theremittancesmore the same or less, thiswe find out and here is thereportage.en queens, el county acediverse throughout the United States,half componentAmericans talking about remittances isa family affair.the administrator knowsa shipping agency.>> people keep sending,orgthey need and know that theythey have to take care of their familyin Latin America.íctor: money remittancesand goods allow thesubsistence of greater millionsof families and economiesof countries like ours.according to the world bank,$131,000,000,000 inremittances were sent fromUnited States of AmericaLatino, just over 25% inrelation to the year 2020.Guatemala, Ecuador, Honduras andexico are the mainremittance destinations.Although many immigrants inthese streets seem notperceive reality,pandemic, the war in ukraine,inflation has only actdirect and its ability tosend remittances to their all this is added threatof the recession.due to reactivationeconomy that has achievedcontain inflation.>> the first half of 2022we have seen quite an increasecomforting, beforebetween a recession problemthe people are getting trying to save whatas they can in their countries and thatwhen a recession comes,they know they will have to lower alittle more the eníos towards thosethe scriptures.íctor: these immigrants saythat no matter how tight they aretimes, family comes first.>> we split up. usWe split for food.>> there are many expenses, sometimesthere is and sometimes not.íctor: la ayuda esá parathey.>> Of course I did.íctor: family first, thatWe Hispanics know it.projections, accordingspecialized agencies, is thatthere was an increase of 9.1% in